Plant WILL NOT Flower!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I apologise in advance to any questions that may seem a tad stupid, i am just a newbie still learning the ropes after a couple of successful Auto grows. This is my first time growing "Normal" plants.

Basically i am growing Feminised Dutch Passions- Hollands Hope, this plant has had a rough life, i began trying to grow two plants from seed in pots, then transferring them to outdoors in mid June '14. However this was unsuccessful and the plant basically withered away and died. However one of the plants was still hanging in there so around september/october time i decided id try and replant it back in a pot indoors and used ScroG method.

The plant recovered surprisingly well actually becoming EXTREMELY bushy, i vegged it for around 2.5-3 months, then switched the light cycle to 12/12. (This is where the problems began...) basically around Christmas i switched over to 12/12 and for over a month nothing happened, so near the end of January (around the 25-27th) i switched the lights off for 24hrs in hopes that i would trick the plant into flowering, however i have just went down for another day hoping to see signs of flowering... Still nothing.

PLEASE anyone have any ideas of anything i could do, the leaves are starting to turn purple in stops and im worried i have done all this for no reason!

I have attached a few photos, dunno if they will help i can get more.

any help would be appreciated.





Well-Known Member
The only reason I can think of why it did not flower it's because you have light leaks in your room. At this point you should put it back in vegetative stage for a couple weeks and then let it become a mother plant. Then you can learn to take clones from it and put those in flowering. Ok?


Well-Known Member
The plant HAS to bloom when subjected to 12 hour cycles, unless it is an auto which need 18 hours plus hours on to bloom, per day. That is the science, at least.


Well-Known Member
Check for light leaks and make sure your light timer is working properly. That's the only reason I can think that the plant isn't flowering after that long in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I apologise in advance to any questions that may seem a tad stupid, i am just a newbie still learning the ropes after a couple of successful Auto grows. This is my first time growing "Normal" plants.

Basically i am growing Feminised Dutch Passions- Hollands Hope, this plant has had a rough life, i began trying to grow two plants from seed in pots, then transferring them to outdoors in mid June '14. However this was unsuccessful and the plant basically withered away and died. However one of the plants was still hanging in there so around september/october time i decided id try and replant it back in a pot indoors and used ScroG method.

The plant recovered surprisingly well actually becoming EXTREMELY bushy, i vegged it for around 2.5-3 months, then switched the light cycle to 12/12. (This is where the problems began...) basically around Christmas i switched over to 12/12 and for over a month nothing happened, so near the end of January (around the 25-27th) i switched the lights off for 24hrs in hopes that i would trick the plant into flowering, however i have just went down for another day hoping to see signs of flowering... Still nothing.

PLEASE anyone have any ideas of anything i could do, the leaves are starting to turn purple in stops and im worried i have done all this for no reason!

I have attached a few photos, dunno if they will help i can get more.

any help would be appreciated.


I've head of this happening with CFls what ur light


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I apologise in advance to any questions that may seem a tad stupid, i am just a newbie still learning the ropes after a couple of successful Auto grows. This is my first time growing "Normal" plants.

Basically i am growing Feminised Dutch Passions- Hollands Hope, this plant has had a rough life, i began trying to grow two plants from seed in pots, then transferring them to outdoors in mid June '14. However this was unsuccessful and the plant basically withered away and died. However one of the plants was still hanging in there so around september/october time i decided id try and replant it back in a pot indoors and used ScroG method.

The plant recovered surprisingly well actually becoming EXTREMELY bushy, i vegged it for around 2.5-3 months, then switched the light cycle to 12/12. (This is where the problems began...) basically around Christmas i switched over to 12/12 and for over a month nothing happened, so near the end of January (around the 25-27th) i switched the lights off for 24hrs in hopes that i would trick the plant into flowering, however i have just went down for another day hoping to see signs of flowering... Still nothing.

PLEASE anyone have any ideas of anything i could do, the leaves are starting to turn purple in stops and im worried i have done all this for no reason!

I have attached a few photos, dunno if they will help i can get more.

any help would be appreciated.


Alsoive had plants that take upto 3 weeks to show


Active Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies. Yeah there is definitely no light leaks, it is inside an old paint cupboard in my garage, it is then covered by a tarpaulin to make sure there is no light escaping.

When you says HAS to bloom, what do you mean. like i have had it at 12/12 for a week and a bit now for the second time and there is still nothing, so is my only option to use this plant as a mother plant now?

How long should it be before i start seeing pistols?

I might just leave it another couple of weeks to see if i can see any signs of flowering, i just dont want to waste any more time on it if its not going to produce anything.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies. Yeah there is definitely no light leaks, it is inside an old paint cupboard in my garage, it is then covered by a tarpaulin to make sure there is no light escaping.

When you says HAS to bloom, what do you mean. like i have had it at 12/12 for a week and a bit now for the second time and there is still nothing, so is my only option to use this plant as a mother plant now?

How long should it be before i start seeing pistols?

I might just leave it another couple of weeks to see if i can see any signs of flowering, i just dont want to waste any more time on it if its not going to produce anything.

I've had plants that take 3 weeks to show pistols


Well-Known Member
it takes 3 weeks of 12/12 for flowers/pistils to appear. don't ever look at it during dark period or you will mess up the 12/12. Any light on the plant during dark period will cause it to never flower. I am oversimplifying but hope it makes sense.

Why don't you take clones of it? If it is only one week into 12/12 you can take cuts. What will you grow if this is a dud?


Active Member
Go big or go home :D haha

Yeah i think i am going to give it a few weeks and hope for the best, yeah i might take a few clippings and re plant them for the next few months!

If it is a dud, im not sure, ill take some cuttings from the mother but i have been looking for some strains that could be good for outdoor growing in summer in Scotland. We have alot of wind and rain.. even during the summer and get quite cold nights.. something durable. haha

What you guys growing at the moment?

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
dude is that mold on that brick wall ,i think it would help you out a lot if you had more reflection in that space ,i also think there is some kind of light leak to bad you can't close your self in there for about 20 minutes to see if there is leaks.


Well-Known Member
Are you growing them in a hole? Pic 3 is hard to figure out. I would expect to see a huge plant with a 3 month veg. Leaf color and structure are not good so something basic is off on your grow I think.


Well-Known Member
Don't use it as a mother if it's not worth a shit then the clones won't be either. I've never heard of a 'dud' personally, but assuming the environment is relatively decent, if I couldn't get a plant to even put out pistils after a month I sure as hell wouldn't wanna keep it around even longer in new generations lol. Maybe you got the legendary 40 week flowering sativa strain that doesn't exist


Well-Known Member
Looks like mold to me too! Its fallen off the brick wall and landed on the wood. Or spreading to the wood.


Active Member
Hey guys, nah its not mold its like a salt solution i spread on the wall so it would keeps all insects from coming in and making homes haha.
Nah not a hole, back wall of my garage, its all insulated and warm even in the dead of winter, ill try sticking an electric heater in close proximity to the plant, help it out a wee bit.
i dont know what i will do. i will give it another couple of weeks, and see how it goes. I shall keep you all updated, again thanks for all the help!

PS. is this legendary 40 week flowering strain real... if so that would be epic haha