which is best


Well-Known Member
I've had brick that was dank before. I was too embarrassed to break it out in front of friends. So I would roll joints and people would ask about it. Just said it was some homegrown. It was an anomaly, hardly a seed too, but offered a bit of amusement for myself.


Well-Known Member
Dafuq Ty? As long as been on here, wtf are you not growing your own? Where do you live? I haven't seen shwag in about 8 years...

Oh im growing when it gets warmer

And my last grow went to hell because I got kicked out and they all died or rotted

Sucks because one plant had a HUGE bud but its was all brown and I touched it and it fell apart :,(

Look at my journal I had a few going two did die from a bear being a fat ass and knocking my planter over


Well-Known Member
I still say you should clench your scrotum right above your testicles and turn them over and present a "bouquet of balls" to your loved one today, Ty.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think she was just jerkin yer chain bro.
That girl is wicked smart & hopefully she'll be along shortly to poke fun at what we didn't get.
I knew I liked you....... a little
Clayton just 'splained it :) better than I could.

My post was simply a bad double entendre. First that uptight white poser is the opposite of eb and was funny on it's face and next at the ridiculousness of people who believe that their racial heritage is some kind of achievement on their part.