When you're breeding, what's typically the number of your selection pools? How many traits to you attempt to lock down before you feel your strain is 'stable'?
as i breed at home i normally start with only a pack of ten seeds from a reputable company, out of the 10 i keep the best male and female..my selection is based on smell, nodes, structure,production and of cource potency of female..after my initial cross i normally plant 20-30 seeds and select the best female and back cross to the original male, plant 20- 30 seeds again select best female and back cross again to now its grandfather, then again best female w/ great grandfather. then ill plant about 10 seeds to see if thety are uniform, if not i plant another 20-30 and back cross best female again,,at this point they are stable or uniform.. then i can use feminizing spray to get s1's , or use a male or female from that strain to use to cross with other strains ive stabilized to create f1 hybrids.. every time i buy a pack of ten f1's i like to do this so in the future if i want to grow that strain again i have uniform plants that i know what they will look, smell, taste, and produce,,no guessing and i have 60-70 seeds rather than 10..its roughly 10 months of selecting and back crossing but i believe its worth it..however recently ive found that buying stabilized hybrids saves me alot of time like TH seeds and serious seeds bubble gum both already stabilised hybrids, mr.nice shit, and bcbd fire og bx3.. i took my fire og bx3 male and crossed it with a shit female and although its an f1 cross the seeds were uniform and everybody here wants what we call the fire shit..im creating s1's of it now. it has the structure,flowering time and production of the shit with the crystal production and smell of the fire og bx3...love this strain and i cant even cure it, when is dry people are waiting for it..