light green stripes?? idk what it is


Well-Known Member
I like schultz potting soil :( It works great! Much better than MG, mg does suck and it's full of bugs usually. But when I use schultz with time release nutes, I do not need to add anything except water for at least 4 months. I'm guessing since you added nutes things are getting funky as diabolical is saying.


Well-Known Member
It takes a while for deficiency/ toxicity to show in soils, 3 days sounds about right. Just use water for a while would be my suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Dude that MG soil is super hot. I stay clear of that stuff. My favorite soil is Roots organic. Probably in the same price range as MG. Few bucks more I think but its quality.


New Member
Other than the light green on the veins of that one plant my plants are growing perfectly fine...I was jus asking advice Cuz I'm new at this not to sit here and listen to a buncha green thumb know it alls sit there and snicker like some pimply 12 year olds
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New Member
And I'm not in lock out my plants are growing fast...its jus the veins are light green on the new leaves that's it...I don't know why everybody thinks there's something critically wrong


Well-Known Member
And I'm not in lock out my plants are growing fast...its jus the veins are light green on the new leaves that's it...I don't know why everybody thinks there's something critically wrong
If you have all the answers then why are you asking for advice in the newbie section? o_O

MG has time released nutes that feed for months...your pouring nutes on top of that and that can cause lockout. Lockout causes many more problems....but you already know all of this I'm sure :bigjoint: