No amber trichs


Well-Known Member

My Dutch Passions Strawberry Cough has been in flower now since December or so, and I cant really see any amber in the trichs. Has anyone else had this problem with this strain before, or any other strain for that matter?

I could just be impatient too, the plants still green and looking good. Some of the older leaves have some discoloration (dark spots mostly), but that is only two or three leaves. The hairs are all brown now, and their bases (calyx I think?) are swelling up pretty nice. I have had to tie most of the branches since they were too skinny, the buds were weighing them down a ton!

I guess this boils down into another 'is it ready' post, and im super sorry for that! I just dont see any amber at all aside from the hairs, so I figured id ask!



Well-Known Member
Trichs are just one part of it, the pistils should be receded and the calyx swollen and I shoot for a majority to be cloudy, I don't really care about amber but I seem to get more amber on the indica strains I run than I do on the heavy Sativas. I like to see a good amount of fox tailing on the Sativa strains as well, the only time I worry about amber is if I am seeing too much of it, then I will pull it.

If I am not getting much amber but I am 80+% cloudy and the rest of the signs look right, I know I can harvest within the week.


Well-Known Member
Trichs are just one part of it, the pistils should be receded and the calyx swollen and I shoot for a majority to be cloudy, I don't really care about amber but I seem to get more amber on the indica strains I run than I do on the heavy Sativas. I like to see a good amount of fox tailing on the Sativa strains as well, the only time I worry about amber is if I am seeing too much of it, then I will pull it.

If I am not getting much amber but I am 80+% cloudy and the rest of the signs look right, I know I can harvest within the week.
Pistils seem to be pulling back, but they are still prominent. Calyx('es,s,i?) seem to be swelling as well! Still seeing cloudy and clear, but like I said there doesnt seem to be a single amber aside from whats on the pistils lol.

What do you mean by foxtailing? I have heard that term used before but only every really connected it with larger buds. Is it sort of a group of new pistils coming out? Thats the only other visual cue I have seen when that term was used xD



Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help guys (or gals!), I appreciate it. One last question and ill leave yall alone for a bit!

I noticed Diabolical said its 12-14 weeks flower time before im ready to chop. Is that the usual for most strains, or do you have any guidelines you could give? Im pretty confident in my ability to take a plant from seed or clone to finish, but I feel like I gip myself when it comes to harvest and the cure. I have never had a plant put on weight like this one, for instance. I dont even want to think about my previous harvests and how early I must have pulled them >.<

Is it 12-14 for most cases, and is there a different scale you use for indica dominant plants?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say 12-14 is average, that would be on the high side. Indica will usually go quicker and I generally harvest around 70 days after flowering. That said, I also usually grow from clones which tend to finish faster since they begin flowering sooner after the lights flip.

If you are not seeing amber and are not having any other problems, i do not see a problem letting a sativa heavy strain go that long though. If you can, throw up some pics of what you have, including whole plan shots and close ups of the buds, that would help. Its best to do it under natural light, since HPS shots play havoc on the coloring.


Well-Known Member
Strawberry Cough is a Sat dom hybrid, the window should be 9 to 14 weeks

Indica Dom hybrids should finish in 7 to 10 weeks

this varies greatly with different strains

if you want amber, feed the trics, they like sulfur, if you doubt that check my journal I get amber trics in veg :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I cant post up shots sadly, still too paranoid to do that where im from xD

The overall plant looks great, I think she just needs more time like you all said. The weight is packing on, had to tie up pretty much every main branch lol. I think im going to swap to an indica heavy strain after this though, this sativa is take a bit too long for my liking! I hope shes worth the wait!