
New Member
Help!!!!! I smoked last unexpected call for job that will pee test on sight. They heard of me word of mouth so i had not even applied, but it is a great job. What can i do to pass?????


Well-Known Member
Brush ur teeth and before u go in use mouthwash and baking soda hold water in ur mouth like bring a bottle of water before u do the swab take a swig and put the swab in then.spit water onto the cotten off ur gums and blow so the water gose to the end faster im sure it will turn blue to show its ready to test

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Brush ur teeth and before u go in use mouthwash and baking soda hold water in ur mouth like bring a bottle of water before u do the swab take a swig and put the swab in then.spit water onto the cotten off ur gums and blow so the water gose to the end faster im sure it will turn blue to show its ready to test
Her post said "pee test"

Only thing that will help is fake piss or clean piss from someone else


Well-Known Member
Her post said "pee test"

Only thing that will help is fake piss or clean piss from someone else
Opps srry lol im alil hungover i just figured its a swab test ya ur right fake piss i kno this sounds funky but if u have a lil sis or older sis have her pee in a small pill container and put a hand warmer around it use that


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Help!!!!! I smoked last unexpected call for job that will pee test on sight. They heard of me word of mouth so i had not even applied, but it is a great job. What can i do to pass?????
Really great jobs do not piss test :) So don't sweat it. Unlike men who are restricted to borrowing only other male's urine, females can borrow from either gender.