The UK Growers Thread!

Lol. Actually sat here with a bag of cashews and a bottle of san miguel :) currently spending 400 a month on groceries though nust for myself, so defo not starving myself any more. Life is a learning curve :p actually waiting on my inheritance to clear so i can get the fuck off this rock and buy a house somewhere nice and sunny. Mind is currently set on Trinidad.

mate trinidad is a fucking shithole dont do it! i spent a fair amount of time there, tobago the tourist island next to it is spose to be nice tho.

anyway me weed is dry now im off.

night all.
mate trinidad is a fucking shithole dont do it! i spent a fair amount of time there, tobago the tourist island next to it is spose to be nice tho.

anyway me weed is dry now im off.

night all.

Nah mate. No different to any country, there are parts that are shit holes (port o spain) and areas that are just great. Everything depends on location. Unfortunately in the UK no mstter the location they will fuck you till you are broke. Nope, ill settle for the rural areas where the gf's family has a house, and live a good life. Her gran just bought land on Tobago, and from what i hear there is really little differentiating them. Either way though, sunshine, life, and catching your own dinner, cannot possibly be worse than england. I am fed up to the gills with this utter shit hole. Even more fed up with london. Anyone who choses to live here unless their job demands it, then they ought to be fucking sanctioned, they're bloody retarded POS idiots!
Nah mate. No different to any country, there are parts that are shit holes (port o spain) and areas that are just great. Everything depends on location. Unfortunately in the UK no mstter the location they will fuck you till you are broke. Nope, ill settle for the rural areas where the gf's family has a house, and live a good life. Her gran just bought land on Tobago, and from what i hear there is really little differentiating them. Either way though, sunshine, life, and catching your own dinner, cannot possibly be worse than england. I am fed up to the gills with this utter shit hole. Even more fed up with london. Anyone who choses to live here unless their job demands it, then they ought to be fucking sanctioned, they're bloody retarded POS idiots!

cutting into me smoking time now lol i spent a few months there in ''rural'' parts its a dangerous country you think london is bad lmao trinidad is a next level a tiny population and a HUGE crime rate, also one of the most racist countrys ive ever been to and i have travelled most the world.

port of spain was me final stop waiting in some shitty b n b for the UK embassy to get me home, dangerous racist shithole of a country, much better place's you can catch ya own dinner n get some sun.

on a plus note tho, the chemist will sell you whatever you want just make shore u ask for the script shit n name it or else you get there dodgy generics lol
cutting into me smoking time now lol i spent a few months there in ''rural'' parts its a dangerous country you think london is bad lmao trinidad is a next level a tiny population and a HUGE crime rate, also one of the most racist countrys ive ever been to and i have travelled most the world.

port of spain was me final stop waiting in some shitty b n b for the UK embassy to get me home, dangerous racist shithole of a country, much better place's you can catch ya own dinner n get some sun.

haha. your opinion aside, ive also heard tje other end of thenspectrum. either way, im keen to get thenfuck outnof the uk. has notjingntondonwith crime etc, tjat can be dealt with, fuck, inlive in what was voted thensecond worst borugh ofnlondon, im still alive. I just cant see any reason tonlive in a country where you sacrifice yournlife sonthatbyou earn enough to have a pension. Id rather just enjoy life while im capable of doing so.

Injust want tomlive somewhere where incan legally catch some dinner without being asked to show my rod license. this country is a fucking joke
haha. your opinion aside, ive also heard tje other end of thenspectrum. either way, im keen to get thenfuck outnof the uk. has notjingntondonwith crime etc, tjat can be dealt with, fuck, inlive in what was voted thensecond worst borugh ofnlondon, im still alive. I just cant see any reason tonlive in a country where you sacrifice yournlife sonthatbyou earn enough to have a pension. Id rather just enjoy life while im capable of doing so.

Injust want tomlive somewhere where incan legally catch some dinner without being asked to show my rod license. this country is a fucking joke

thats right ttt its my opinion n my experience but i have spent a bit of time there n many other place's abroad n just my opinion again theres better places to catch ya own dinner n get some sun.

your totally right about the rest mate this country is a fucking joke in so many ways, but also the greatest imo in others.....

as for not getting into trouble in london its common sense, im born in forest gate lived in newham mostly tho, thats a borough not a place lol worked n lived in tower hamlets also for years n never had a personal experience of crime i.e being mugged etc in london in me life, you dont put yourself in the wrong places at the wrong times, or with the wrong sorta people. common sense.

fuck that joint hit the spot, exo not dried nice but grown alrite has canned me lolol
thats right ttt its my opinion n my experience but i have spent a bit of time there n many other place's abroad n just my opinion again theres better places to catch ya own dinner n get some sun.

your totally right about the rest mate this country is a fucking joke in so many ways, but also the greatest imo in others.....

as for not getting into trouble in london its common sense, im born in forest gate lived in newham mostly tho, thats a borough not a place lol worked n lived in tower hamlets also for years n never had a personal experience of crime i.e being mugged etc in london in me life, you dont put yourself in the wrong places at the wrong times, or with the wrong sorta people. common sense.

fuck that joint hit the spot, exo not dried nice but grown alrite has canned me lolol

youve had your experience, k canot argue against that. but i also nave to take into accoint my gfs fsmiles experience.everuthing is about learning. either way, everyone from trinidad ive met has been awesome, really want to give it a go even if just on a temporary basis. Cannot possibly worse than living in the uk.

and yeah, its common sense in london, but i dont really get that option (deptford). ive only been here a handful of mlnths and ive already been robbed, been threatened by some bloke protecting jis lady passed out innthe middle of the road, had to call the police, and encountered a bloke trying to drag a lady from her car, all right outside my front door. anywhere is better than deptford, woudnt wish it on my worst enemy.
morning, ladies.
havent been around much, heap of bad shit with so called pals going on. yano the score eople look after when they have shit go down bt soon as it happes to yorself they dont even reply to r messages? cunts. amazing how so callled freinds fuckoff when your at yor lowest. o
anwyays. im gunna be fucking off for a good while so if yor on me facebook and still ther it gravy, if i removed then u know ur the cunt.
just sick of letting people in and getting fucked, i knew ther was a reason i dont bother with no cunt.

man im going insane i think


OH..ps4-alien is shite. i have most of the games and its pants

a specimen of superiority such as yourself should be able to deal with that.

go play some video games, kid.
youve had your experience, k canot argue against that. but i also nave to take into accoint my gfs fsmiles experience.everuthing is about learning. either way, everyone from trinidad ive met has been awesome, really want to give it a go even if just on a temporary basis. Cannot possibly worse than living in the uk.

and yeah, its common sense in london, but i dont really get that option (deptford). ive only been here a handful of mlnths and ive already been robbed, been threatened by some bloke protecting jis lady passed out innthe middle of the road, had to call the police, and encountered a bloke trying to drag a lady from her car, all right outside my front door. anywhere is better than deptford, woudnt wish it on my worst enemy.

that's because you're a whiny pussy little cunt.

grow a pair you little coward.
that's because you're a whiny pussy little cunt.

grow a pair you little coward.

Yup. If only i had access to guns so i could pretend im a man. Merica, fluck yeah. An entire nation that cannot defend itself without guns.... :lol: go beat your wife and shout racism already. Seems you aren't capable of anŷhing else :)
Nah mate. No different to any country, there are parts that are shit holes (port o spain) and areas that are just great. Everything depends on location. Unfortunately in the UK no mstter the location they will fuck you till you are broke. Nope, ill settle for the rural areas where the gf's family has a house, and live a good life. Her gran just bought land on Tobago, and from what i hear there is really little differentiating them. Either way though, sunshine, life, and catching your own dinner, cannot possibly be worse than england. I am fed up to the gills with this utter shit hole. Even more fed up with london. Anyone who choses to live here unless their job demands it, then they ought to be fucking sanctioned, they're bloody retarded POS idiots!
Keep it together mate. The amount of hate you hold in your heart is very alarming. . @usgoverment keep your eye on this one....don't even think of boarding any planes headed to Syria muthafucker.
Lol. Actually sat here with a bag of cashews and a bottle of san miguel :) currently spending 400 a month on groceries though nust for myself, so defo not starving myself any more. Life is a learning curve :p actually waiting on my inheritance to clear so i can get the fuck off this rock and buy a house somewhere nice and sunny. Mind is currently set on Trinidad. Trinidad, the perfect trifecter, sun to grow dope, sun to enjoy life, and sun to grow all them fishes for the oven :)
Hope all goes well for you mate. Not the country I would have picked (I haven't looked into it much tho) but I would love to fuck off from here to somewhere sunny :-D
Your right about this country being a shit hole. I don't think its as bad here as you say it is up with you but there was a supposed rape a few doors a way a week or 2 ago and a shit load more over the last few years. I hate the fact that a woman gets jail time for putting a bit of bacon on a mosque door handle but a Muslim can groom and rape a 14 year old girl and get off with it.

Mental health is a cunt. I've lost a friend or 2 topping themselves because the docs here don't give 2 fucks about them. I used to work with a bloke, he was so small they called him jockey. Someone tried grabbing his Mrs to dance in a club and he took it the wrong way. He took on and beat up 5 bouncers and a few cops until they tranquilized him and sent him off to the nut house for a bit. He said they where constantly provoking him, trying to get him to kick off in there and filling him full of all different types of shit.