Whenever I smoke some weed, typically schwag, i get real "foggy" in my head. I cant make certain connections between ideas in my head, which affects things like my ability to make jokes etc. For me this is a big problem, since I am a real funny guy when I am not high, but when I smoke, I just lose the ability to an extent.
this goes for other similar things, like just understanding a conversation. This "fog" can last for me up to 2 days or so after smoking.
Question is, how do you guys deal with this? There any supplements or anything you take? I'm a vegetarian, so I dunno if its dietary. Does using a vaporizer help at all in this department of not getting the "fog"? Or is the simple answer just dont smoke so much, or just buy better weed? would sativa strains fix this, since its a cerebral high?
this goes for other similar things, like just understanding a conversation. This "fog" can last for me up to 2 days or so after smoking.
Question is, how do you guys deal with this? There any supplements or anything you take? I'm a vegetarian, so I dunno if its dietary. Does using a vaporizer help at all in this department of not getting the "fog"? Or is the simple answer just dont smoke so much, or just buy better weed? would sativa strains fix this, since its a cerebral high?