Got took by the Neighbor


Well-Known Member
I didn't read that post by King. King he's using you bro. I'd make fun of his body issues so he doesn't want to be around you any longer.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I didn't read that post by King. King he's using you bro. I'd make fun of his body issues so he doesn't want to be around you any longer.
It is fairly easy to not talk to him, he isn't one to go out of his way. I got this I just let other people play their move first so I can play a better one next. It isn't big money or nothing so it isn't too much to sweat but at least I know that he is greedy and willing to take advantage of a good situation.

Appreciate your advice brotha, I will definitely steer clear of this. I don't need to work all day n night to hand it over to someone lol. Especially since I do a damn good trim job for the finish.


Well-Known Member
Doing good and "pretending to do good to look good " is different.

Karma basically is at least in lames terms "what comes around goes around"

Idk but if you are complaining about having got stiffed for some weed by your neighbor , sounds like you want a hand out of sympathy.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Doing good and "pretending to do good to look good " is different.

Karma basically is at least in lames terms "what comes around goes around"

Idk but if you are complaining about having got stiffed for some weed by your neighbor , sounds like you want a hand out of sympathy.
I begged you to come here and tell me what I wanted to hear and you gave me this. I want my tree fifty back.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Let that stupid fk test your new seed runs from now on. back away from said dildo mostly though. start a shitless haphazard one light garden you can still share with him to make him believe you suck at growing.
This one made me laugh my ass off, I will definitely let him test all the OG crosses and anything prone to hermaphroditism! Also am backing away, this will likely be one of the last round of sharing I do with him.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man you have to be a push over with this

And cops are good liers so you want him to be loyal to you

The only way to get rid of it is to perform some OPSEC by saying your getting out of the business

But it would piss him off if he caught you with a grow going after you said you were quitting

So ur just gonna have to tough it out

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I am not a very vengeful or hateful person, I like to vent and let things go so that I can go about my life not being controlled by silly instances in time like these. I set all my friends up though, it is why my circle is very small but I am happy with the people in it. Poor neighbor will never get to taste my best work as it is yet to come. I am going to try and dial in one strain on the hydro and then do all my randoms in soil and tents.

The shield has been raised, the joint has been smoked and camelot is at peace again.

Here is an example of something he won't get to smoke :D

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