pull or push across cool tube


Active Member
Whats the best thing, to push air from another room across a cooltube or the pull air from the room into another room?


Well-Known Member
a box fan might work to pull air from one room to another. at least it works here at my place.


Active Member
Well im talking about the fan i have hooked to the cooltube on the light. better to pull or push air across it.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about this today. I'm thinking push.

If you push, the pressure in the cooltube will go up. More air molecules to absorb heat.

If pull, its at lower pressure and the fewer air molecules.

Just thinking out loud.


Well-Known Member
I find reason in both theories. if the air temp is the same either way? the less molecules the more heat(gets by?) thru the glass.


Well-Known Member
it`s more that the fans that we use are meant to work more efficient by pulling air. thats why we dont use house fans to exhaust, they are for blowing ( push)


Active Member
well i tried booth since i asked. when i push the air across the tub i can keep my hand on it and not have to move it because of the heat. when i pull the air cant keep my hand on the tube. the thermometer in the room pretty much stays the same in my setup either way. i have a exhaust and a intake fan running in the room.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the fan and location and length of duct on each side. The shorter/smoother the duct the less static resistance the more airflow (better cooling) you have.


Well-Known Member
iv run my cooltube setup for several years and have experimented with the configuration quite alot, ive found it makes no difference sucking or blowing air thru the tube, on paper its better to suck air away from lamp, but iv found this makes no difference, for the ideal cooltube setup you need two exhaust fans, one (just to cool the lamp) to suck or blow air thru the tube from either outside or another room thru the cooltube and straight out into another room then another fan to exhaust yr growroom air and keep fresh air entering, this setup is ideal if u are running Co2 enrichment coz u can slow or shut down the growroom exhaust periodically while yr Co2 is doin its thing, and the other fan is still cooling yr tube preventing heat build up. I have my 5" exhaust fan mounted directly to the c/filter then a short length of ducting down to my cooltube with a 600w hps then a short length of insulated ducting (to prevent the hot ducting heating up my room) out to another room, so my one fan is doing 2jobs, cooling my lamp and exhausting filtered air from my room, people have told me this wouldnt work, but the proof is in the pudding, my temps average 26degrees c, even on hotter days, with shitloads of fresh air stil being drawn i from the passive intakes in my tent! i dont like the idea of sucking air thru my fan directly from the cooltube as the air coming out the cooltube is quite hot and im pretty sure it would shorten the life of my fan?? but in short imho suck or blow, it makes no difference


Well-Known Member
It depends on the fan and location and length of duct on each side. The shorter/smoother the duct the less static resistance the more airflow (better cooling) you have.
exactly! This and the amount of turns and bends in yr ducting is more crucial to the efficiency of yr cooltube setup, not whether u push or pull air thru it.


Well-Known Member
it`s more that the fans that we use are meant to work more efficient by pulling air. thats why we dont use house fans to exhaust, they are for blowing ( push)
the volume of air that is sucked into any given fan will be the same as the volume of air being blown out, every action has an equal and opposite reaction?? If not what happens to the air volume/pressure difference inside the fan? The type of inline fans we use, rvk, ruck, canfans or whatever, work the same sucking or blowing either way around. And i always thought that we didnt use household extractors because; 1. They simply arent up to the job, they cannot move sufficient enough volumes of air needed to keep a room lit with h.i.ds cool enough. And 2. They arent made to run 24hours a day 7days a week 365 days a year, most household bathroom kitchen and other extractors are usually intended to be wired up to thermostats, humidistats or light switches so they only operate for a fraction of each day, i work in the building trade and have changed many failed extractors, even the most expensive and top brand extractors have a habit of failing, they'd fail very quicky under the constant extraction demands of a hot throbbing growroom. My rvk has been running 365days for nearly 5years now, u wouldnt get that much life out of a household fan.


Well-Known Member
nice room bud. how much heat does the ballast on the wall make?
thanx mate, its minimal heat really, its a fairly cool running in comparison to my previous ballast, because its mounted quite close to my cf and fan the heat is drawn away by the fan, i could probably do with it being out of the tent on really hot days but my budbox just fits into the cupboard its in and theres nowhere else except outside the cupboard for it to go and i cant have it outside for stealth reasons, i like to shut the cupboard door and see nothing!