I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
ITs obvi
his personality over in politics is literally genocidal, racist, misogynistic, and any other form of hate you can think of.
Its obvious he wants my attention, he sought me out. Maybe he and Mr. Lovah can hook up. Gotta love these frustrated dripping dicks


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You do note though Buck, he made your thread about him? That's some kinda self-confidence there boy
funny thing is that he's had me on ignore for a while because i keep pointing out what a racist lying POS he is.

he just kinda ignores stuff that doesn't fit in with his preconceived narrative. like when he reeled off three whoppers in a row in a gun control debate that were the exact opposite of the truth.

sweden has no such laws, the knife dude in china attacked 20 people but killed no one, and the college dorm guy injured 8 people but killed no one and he got caught.

oh, and red killed his entire family not once, but twice. i am actually not even kidding about that.


Well-Known Member
Well, it used to be Switzerland, dunno know now, but hey its Euro and starts with SW....that'll work
no, not even switzerland.

he got the age wrong, the fully automatic part is an embellishment, and he left out the part where you are not allowed to keep ammo for it anymore (previously, you were given ammo, but it was monitored tightly to make sur eyou were not using it).

so really, it's more of fancy looking paperweight for those conscripted into military service, which is not everyone over the age of 18 at all.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of his age he has an adolescent world view; and a very rude sense of courtship; never heard of the guy til he asked me out and then he ran


Well-Known Member
Then why are you whining about the way I said it? "ambassador of education"????????? I claim no expertise in education. But I do know when someone is talking out their ass. I am thinking the reason there was only one black girl in your school is the rest of them didn't want to be in the same school you were.
You are a keen racist and every post you write reflects this.
If you had an education then you wouldn't make those comments.
Stating that black girls wouldn't want to attend my school is ridiculous and you basically have said that none of them were clever enough to pass the entrance exam. This, I absolutely detest.

I've got black friends who are more educated than the whole of your family put together and I believe in 'credit where credits due'.

If you were articulate and fully literate you too would experience respect from people. Instead you prefer to try and troll people which obviously backfires on you very quickly.

You talk about other country's laws regardless of the fact that you don't even have a passport. You make yourself look ridiculous on so many levels. In other words, you make it very easy for us.


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Staff member
You are a keen racist and every post you write reflects this.
If you had an education then you wouldn't make those comments.
Stating that black girls wouldn't want to attend my school is ridiculous and you basically have said that none of them were clever enough to pass the entrance exam. This, I absolutely detest.

I've got black friends who are more educated than the whole of your family put together and I believe in 'credit where credits due'.

If you were articulate and fully literate you too would experience respect from people. Instead you prefer to try and troll people which obviously backfires on you very quickly.

You talk about other country's laws regardless of the fact that you don't even have a passport. You make yourself look ridiculous on so many levels. In other words, you make it very easy for us.
My favorite part is his trying to delete his posts thinking it will cover his ignorance. Problem is he can't delete what people quoted LOL! The internet where one's shame lives forever.


Well-Known Member
I realize you are like 19 years old, but that's no excuse for your ignorant bullshit.

Why would you 'like' anything that a lying, racist, arsonist like red has to say in the first place?

fueling both sides of the almost one sided argument


Well-Known Member
My favorite part is his trying to delete his posts thinking it will cover his ignorance. Problem is he can't delete what people quoted LOL! The internet where one's shame lives forever.

ohhhhh man he didn't really delete did he??? Jesus he just made it worse for himself


Well-Known Member
I took him off ignore because I find him to be a pleasing and informative.
I would never purposely ignore dear old Buck. He is fascinating, like a car stuck on a railroad track. You are mesmerized, and really cant take your eyes away, waiting for the disaster to happen. It's a lot of fun, actually, and RIU needs people like him, to bring humor to the site. You just can't take his shit seriously. If you do, then you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
I would never purposely ignore dear old Buck. He is fascinating, like a car stuck on a railroad track. You are mesmerized, and really cant take your eyes away, waiting for the disaster to happen. It's a lot of fun, actually, and RIU needs people like him, to bring humor to the site. You just can't take his shit seriously. If you do, then you have a problem.

Oh I'm sorry. I was being sarcastic.

Actually besides the rhetoric that goes on in politics he is alright.

I think at our core most of us have more in common than we think. The little disputes are needed. Some of us need to be smart, some of us need to be brutes.

If we were all to become uniform we would not survive.


Well-Known Member
You've got too much ego invested in this young man. Where do you get the authority to write the rules? I chimed in on the exchange between Lahada and C2G, I don't give 2 shits about your beef with Lahada. You sought my personal attention, not I. Now one can speculate as to why; I'm not interested in you; you are immediately angry; weak with the immediate ad hominums; your grasp of tactics and strategy is abysmal and until you summoned me, I had never even acknowledged you. Why do you crave my attention?
"I chimed in on the exchange" contradics "You sought my personal attention, not I." I'm not angry, your ignorant arrogance amuses me. If pretending I am somehow craving your attention while you keep insulting me without any effect helps you feel better about being such a loser, feel free.