help identifying problem with flowering plant


Well-Known Member
Can you take a pic of whole plant? How old is it? is it in veg or flower? What nutes you using? Soil/hydro?
Have you checked for bugs?

v.s one

Well-Known Member
I don't know what happened I typed in the info. Its in dwc eight days in flower. I use flora nova grow and flower with a table spoon of each in 3 1/2gallons of water. I was gifted some sub culture m and b from the store. They said use one for flower and one for veg. I never used this product and I droped my pH meter in the water. So I don't know pH for now.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what usually causes nutrient lock out? I will check my nutrients to see Cal mag %. Thanks
Nute lockout is usually caused by ph factors.
I think high concentrations of one nutrient can lock out another nutrient too.


Well-Known Member
if it's the top 1/3 of the plant, it's probably a calcium def. in which case add calcium, I can't tell by the color of the picture if there is a mag deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Bingo, a calcium deficiency would be my educated guess then, I'm sure you can add a cal & mag product to fix it, as usually a magnesium deficiency will start showing on the bottom leaves when a calcium deficiency is present. Do you use RO water or tap water? I would suggest adding 2-3ml per gallon of water, it should clear that right up. Hope this helps man.

v.s one

Well-Known Member
Bingo, a calcium deficiency would be my educated guess then, I'm sure you can add a cal & mag product to fix it, as usually a magnesium deficiency will start showing on the bottom leaves when a calcium deficiency is present. Do you use RO water or tap water? I would suggest adding 2-3ml per gallon of water, it should clear that right up. Hope this helps man.
Tap water. I'm gonna add some as soon as the hydro store opens. Thanks AlphaPhase


Well-Known Member
But get your pH in order prior to dealing with cal/mag. IF you're having pH lockout then these issues could take care of themselves once that is rectified. You need to get a pH tester, pen or even the paper and start there before anything else. TDS metre as well so you know the PPM of the nutrients in the bucket. Tap water generally has enough calcium in supplement. But I still add regardless...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what happened I typed in the info. Its in dwc eight days in flower. I use flora nova grow and flower with a table spoon of each in 3 1/2gallons of water. I was gifted some sub culture m and b from the store. They said use one for flower and one for veg. I never used this product and I droped my pH meter in the water. So I don't know pH for now.
Flora nova has organics in it you have root rot more than likely