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Dont let it burn tie it over even if u snap and tape it burn could produce hermi happened to me""One seed started from germination while the BC producer holds 18 plants, this 1 plant that is growing "blue dream" is in 1 spot out of the 18 & has took almost ALL the room thats left. I even tied um down a week ago because a cola was touching the glass after 2 days later from food & nutes. Opened it & 2days the cola is kind of burned from the heat lamp? Will it come back & get more dense???. It's been in flower for two weeks and I was wondering how much longer it has till the buds will swell up? 2 weeks left? Also most Nugs are only WHITE HAIRED & they get bigger but no color is changing in any of the buds??? Any help would be greatly appreciated because this is my first hydroponic grow & I would like to make dense sticky medicine. I feed every two days with a mixture of water and & nutes & ph is at 5.5-6.5. Any help to make these last 2 weeks ADD SOME WIGHT & TASTE would be awesome!! Thanks guys & gals. I will put pics up asap.
Thanks! I guess it's been about 4-5 weeks of flower. When does the swelling take place?I'd say you have about 6-8 weeks left of flowering
Be patient and don't chop her too early