I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
He should get out of the troll/Jesus biz., read Joseph Campbell, become a Hindu,and perhaps escape the chains of his imagination
You do know that I'm not a Christian? Once again, you have to pretend I said something I didn't and argue with that.


Well-Known Member
If you are seriously this pissed off and butthurt...then I've won more than just a small victory.
You still pretending I'm " seriously this pissed off and butthurt"????????? Then you've gained nothing but have to pretend you have. You remind me off that Iraqi newscaster declairing the Iraqi Army has decimated the American invaders while you can see American tanks driving down the street behind him.


Well-Known Member
You still pretending I'm " seriously this pissed off and butthurt"????????? Then you've gained nothing but have to pretend you have. You remind me off that Iraqi newscaster declairing the Iraqi Army has decimated the American invaders while you can see American tanks driving down the street behind him.
This is seriously the most upset I've seen you in a long time. I can honestly say this is extremely entertaining.


Well-Known Member
"You do not know that I am not a Christian?" Try it without the double negative, U at least will not SEEM as addle brained as U are.
Sorry, Miss La-Di-Da Perfect English, but that's not a double negative. Each negative applies to a different subject. Notice, once again, you can not refute my statement, but merely attempt to insult me. I would think that, after a while, you would notice that you are unable to defend your positions, and admit you are wrong. But idealogues don't have that option, do they?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Miss La-Di-Da Perfect English, but that's not a double negative. Each negative applies to a different subject. Notice, once again, you can not refute my statement, but merely attempt to insult me. I would think that, after a while, you would notice that you are unable to defend your positions, and admit you are wrong. But idealogues don't have that option, do they?
TO ALL POSTERS: Is the overgrowem said, in post 227, first sentence a double negative or not????


Well-Known Member
You say "most" every time we have a debate. But never respond to my statements. Pretending you have upset me while you compleaty fail to counter my statements shows that you yourself know you are full of shit.
Why would I want to "counter" your statements when I can just let you dangle there all pissed off and desperate so that everyone can get a good laugh at your arrogant ignorance?


Well-Known Member
Why would I want to "counter" your statements when I can just let you dangle there all pissed off and desperate so that everyone can get a good laugh at your arrogant ignorance?
Keep pretending I'm "all pissed off and desperate" while everyone laughs at your inability to do anything other than insult


Well-Known Member
You are an idiot and a cheat. Your original post was about sour grapes, I answered and you edited in the "self proclamation" afterwards. I have no interest in playing with an obvious dishonest person with delusions of intellect.
And for the record, you summoned me again.
My original post was not about sour grapes. You previously claimed it was about "proper English", tho that was wrong also. But it demonstrates that it is you that is the idiot and cheat. I didn't edit shit. You obviously are extremely interested, you feel compelled to reply to every post I make. So, are you claiming ("for the record") I have a supernatural power to "summon" you to reply? Let's see how far I can go with that.....................


Well-Known Member
Why would I want to "counter" your statements when I can just let you dangle there all pissed off and desperate so that everyone can get a good laugh at your arrogant ignorance?
I dunno, maybe to show you actually have a point worth expressing, instead of just insults and pretending you can claim victory. Why would you even propose that I am desparate? You have been unable to refute anything I've said. Perhaps it is you that is desparate?