my plant is getting there.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i will give him till 5.10 then i will call it a win i think he's got 10 minutes to turn up.
bet his mum or da have told him off for being up this late or he was a real person an i hit a nerve.

come on it's late i want to go to bed. more abuse, more abuse, more abuse

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
no way were's he gone the little git. i got my hopes up that he was back. nice of him to say bye.

did not wait for a reply did he.

that was funny as f**K lmao


Well-Known Member
Just so everyone know's he has been sending me barely legible pm's ever since I made the "nice pube" comment...I'd say he has anger issues....LOL

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i got a nice P.M off him saying how nice it was to meet everyone and what a lovely gay time he had.

i was surprised that he knew how to spell the word incest and used it in the right context. lol

omg rotflmao


Well-Known Member
AHAHA THERE IS A PUBE, this guy is obviuosly jokin, theres no way this is real, i couldnt believe what i was reading, hey freddy got fingered your a stupid red nick son of a bitch, you read how it sounds huh maybe you should be hooked of phonics, i cant believe you pissed on your plants man.....and i cant believe you posted about it, im surprised you didnt post pics in the act!!!


kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
a true British red neck, the pissing on the plant is probably in his journal. lol

he's has got me waiting up to see if he come back.

i would love another go at him.

Come on freddy were you at ?

do you think that the last of him?

he's got me subscribed

his next post will be the benefits of crapping on your plants.

hay misshestermoffitt you are a cruel girl i think he trusted you and you told him to paint his light i hope he does. lol


Well-Known Member
omg. like people sad: use nutes - about 10-5-5 for veg (could be 12-7-8, or smth like that) the first number has to be higher than others) and in flowering stage (wich i think you wont make to) second number has to be higher than others 5-10-5.

these numbers stands for N-P-K.

baloon or paint wont change spectrum your lights.
you wont grow anything with ususal 60w light bulb.
you dont need no blue spectrum for succefull growth, just use usual 2700k spectrum day ligh CFL bulbs.

go with CFL's. make a reflector for maximum effect. 1 plant needs about 40w of CFL's lightning.

what else, always use good soil, DONT PISS AT YOUR PLANTS, dont use horse shit!
ya, people in farms uses horse shit, but all these goodies wich holds in horse shit is inside soil, so theres no need to shit at your plants.


Well-Known Member
yer the cam it's on ma phone man one of mi boyz got it cheap like so i blaged it off im.

Whats wrong with this picture? Dudes typing, spelling and grammar and the entire gist of this threas scream troll, and now I am sure of it 'cuz there aint NO WAY those pics (at least one of 'em) came from a camera phone. Too high res.


Well-Known Member
this is the funniest thread ever!! rofl!! freddy ur a cock u need to learn to read and write dude!
keep growing ur plants keep pissing on em n take it from under the light bulb n put it in the window lol, go n rob urself a big light from outside a factory or something n use that for budding, u could even wire it into the street lamps n get free electric lol


New Member
Hey Kulan, I didn't know there were British rednecks. I thought that was strictly an American thing. Now my interest is sparked, can we get a pic of a Brit redneck?

On another note, who the fuck is really going to paint a lightbulb. That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. I just figured since freddy was trolling I might as well cast a line on out and see if I could hook anything.

If he really paints his light bulb I'm going to just die laughing........

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i am still lmao woke up read the thread again, wow he is thick or just someone messing about. i can't get myself to believe that there are real people like him.

misshestermoffitt i hope he comes back complaining his house burnt down or his caravan.LOL

love that pic giz now we have a pic to remember him by.

i had an ali G type person in my head but that pic is closer to the truth i think.

now for my redneck moment what's trolling?


Well-Known Member
kk guys lets put aside the fact that he's like... retarted, hes knew, and wants to learn? like if he's willing,shouldnt we try and show him? like last time i checked you dont have to pass a test to smoke, or fit in to a certain category? most of the people who probs smoke because they dont fit in and its something that SHOULD be accepting. So how about we try adn show him the ropes? maybe even teach him how to spell? justt kiddingg, but it wouldnt hurt.. :P

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i was going to help but that PUBE had me rotflmao, and then the abusive P.M

i help when i can, but with someone like that it's hard they get on the offensive at a drop of a hat, and it is hard to reason with them then. i have met a few people like him that take advice as criticism.

i think he was a troll, but a funny one.