my plant is getting there.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
you are very right with that last statement i do not know nothing. i know quite a lot.

and you should feel quite at home here if it's full of d*ck's you mush have had a few in the clink. on those dark nights when your bunk buddy wants to spoon you, and call you sally. you will not win here as you will need brain's to argue with most people on RIU they are not thick and will take you apart if you try to be clever(you need a brain for that).

and there's the bonus of if you get to abusive then you will be booted from RIU.

i like this type of argument as i am a master debator.

you are just a masterbator.

have fun

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
This is the funniest thread I have read on here in awhile. I have NEVER thrown off on someone elses attempt at growing but this thread certainly is tempting. The piss had me ROFLMAO but the "blue baloon" was the clincher. :mrgreen: I just hope this whole thread is a "stoners" moment. I think the best you can hope for Eddie is that it lives long enough to Hermie. At least then you would get a few seeds and can continue to learn to grow. However, if you decide to defecate on that poor plant, spare us the details. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Plant looks great!!! Can't wait to see what happens!

This is the funniest thread I've ever seen on here! :bigjoint:

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
on here yes give me shit but in a P.M i thorght you were a bad boy gangster.
not someone who hides away say it on here go on i dare you. see what people think of you then like i said before i wont hide what i say i am not a shy little wanna be.
who thinks he is big and ard becouse he's been in jail.
no i have never been in trouble with the law but that becouse i am clever and you are a tosser so come on then.

ignore the last post i want you here so i can punish you some more by making you look like a f**king pri*k you might want to come back but not with that user name after i have finished with you.


New Member
Freddy it gives me a headache trying to decipher your posts.

Please don't piss on your plant, urine is high in nitrogen, but it is bad for the foliage.

I think I'd keep on growing that plant to just see how it turns out.
i is sorry miss i dont do so well at the spellin but i do get da piont no piss.

kulan u is the botty boy man
u is a litle puff boy sat at home waitin for your boyfreind to cum home from workin da streets doin hand jobs 4 money, i can see it now you a bum boy takin it up da ass for your boyfreind in da shower.

and da rest of yer is takin da pi** as well
yer all nobs


New Member
oh yeah and the blue balloon will stick to the light bulb and burn your house down. I usually just paint mine blue with acryllic paint from the craft department at Wal-Mart. ;)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i bet you are thinking of me naked i know your type like that stuff.

remember that first night when your room mate slipped in to bed with you i bet you did'nt complane did you.

you are sad you still have not said what you said in the p.m come on get some balls but not mine i am strait sorry.

yer funny HaaaHaaa
what da fuck you goin on about ch1234 u just a fuck twat with your bum chum kulan go suck his dick.

kulan u fuckin bastard u need your balls cutin off n shovin down yer nek fuckin nonce.

dont go away i be back fuckers n yer avin it

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
and so it happens the break in the proceedings i think he's lost his temper poor boy.

it's the truth that hurts us most. i predict that he might have gone he is off line.

we shall see i will be waiting

i am not like this normally but he just twanged a nerve.


O Freddy i will always be here if you want another go.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
give him one thing got a good user name, was a great film.

you back yet pillow biter.

just as i was getting started. lol