this look like a female plant


Well-Known Member
actualy a budy on another site bought a pack of feminized seeds and only 1 female out of 10. for 150 bucks. i`ll never spend that.,
i`ll go post this study that i found, it`s kind of interesting if darksys dosn`t mind, it`s good education.
Well if you go througha reputable site it shouldn't be a problem, but even a huge seed company like greenhouse seeds has batches that get by that arent feminized. On large scales things happen and if you go through a reputable place like greenhouse or many others they will replace the seeds no problem or/and or will already have a recall on them. It's hard enough for us to get seeds lol might as well get the best ya can.


Well-Known Member
it was a verry good site, i still use them so i wont slam the name here, i just dont feel it`s worth the price, these guys genetics are quite fine for me at half the cost. and yes agreed shit happens sometimes. i dont need to buy verry often ( good friends) so it was dissapointing.


Well-Known Member
it was a verry good site, i still use them so i wont slam the name here, i just dont feel it`s worth the price, these guys genetics are quite fine for me at half the cost. and yes agreed shit happens sometimes. i dont need to buy verry often ( good friends) so it was dissapointing.
I hear ya though,we should be able to walk downtown and go to a seedshop but thats life.


Well-Known Member
actualy that what i do. it`s nice that way here in vancouver. i have 3 or 4 reputable shops to deal with downtown. i`m looking at a couple strains right now to cross