Clone only strains

It's OK. I honestly feel sorry for Amos' these days. He's clearly an angry broken record. All I can do is send good vibes his way at this point.

Shit's tired. Dude's jocked the ole sack for almost 2 years now. LOL.

I am assuming you haven't showered in 2 years just to keep it nice n fresh for him?
It's OK. I honestly feel sorry for Amos' these days. He's clearly an angry broken record. All I can do is send good vibes his way at this point.

Thanks! All about the good vibes here, so happy, comfy vibes back at you, l'il tiger fish....and your King. :)

Why don't we create an "I hate Amos" thread?

Oh, didn't mean to single you out there, buddy.

Better yet, let's call it "shit talking strain" that way we can fool the mods into thinking there is actually a real discussion going on.

Every time the troll and the troll-e gets to talking, it sure ruins the thread quickly. I'll let you guys figure out which of you are the trolls, and which are the troll-e that takes the bait. I personally wouldn't want to be either. But readin the last 2 pages you can't say your not it, yeah you know who I'm talking too. This could be your first topic for the thread. I'm sure it will get tons of views and it will stay at the top. Hell, let's request it be a sticky.

If you guys are too high or dumb to get my sarcasm, I'll break it down for you. Please take your meaningless diarrhea of the keyboards somewhere else.

Youre all cool, not a personal issue with any of you., and this may be slightly entertaining but it's always the same old shit. Move on please.

I tried to bring it back with the Candyland V2 hopes but those were instantly crashed by the immense butthurt that became Amos.

I King Arthur, hope that amos can still sleep at night after I said a little joke. Hence why I am not the jester, I must not be funny. Please feel free to use this cream I got you in order to feel better.

Stop The Butthurt

Why don't we create an "I hate Amos" thread?

Oh, didn't mean to single you out there, buddy.


N/P amigo. The same trio of mutts haven't learned any new material for months, regardless of how many threads they follow me to.
In apologies for thread nonsense and with respect to KGP... Submitted for your approval/consideration (lol)

Cherry pie, Private Reserve OG, Chem4, Chemsis, Respect OG and Ogre OG. :)


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