Well because there is nothing in the law that protects vendors or even says growing cannabis as a method to support yourself is legal at all. I know all vendors now call themselves "a collective", but it's very unlikely that most of their "collectives" would not hold up to any type of legal scrutiny.
I don't know, I guess I just feel obligated to help other people in the cannabis community when it comes to law enforcement. If we don't have each other's backs who will?
I get what you're saying, vendors don't give a fuck about me so why should I give a fuck about them. Especially how the majority of vendors view and treat people in a dispensary. I don't have to like all of them and and they don't have to like me. (not all vendors, some are cool, but most are disrespectful divas who hate on anyone who owns a club)
But still, when it comes to certain things I still follow a set of unwritten rules. Not giving up people to the government is rule one on that list. I guess I'm old school like that.
Good morning Dan, your right to stand firm on your beliefs & i allpaud you for it , you seem like an honorable man with good ethics , unfortunately honor & ethics are not a common commodity in business with most.
I used to have a good attitude like you do twords compassion clubs & vendors until i became part of the network , saw the sheer greed 1st hand & it jaded me twords most vendors & DISPENSARY owners .
When " I " Started the co-op i had to put up my life savings ,allmost $300,000 to get things going with purchasing buildings , equipment & remodeling ,lawyers & accounting structuring the business model for non profit approval , I ran the entire grow for 400 patients & ran the whole show , i had visons of helping terminally ill patients like my wife who has several terrible diseases including Multiple Sclerosis, i started programs where we gave away FREE meds to patients who submitted medical records to our doctor showing their illness as one of the 6 most severe , we gave discounted meds to low income working folks & the disabled , we supplied free meds & door to door delievery for shut in's , my wife had a program going where we supplied dozens of home cooked meals daily that were heavily laced with my meds for those who couldnt smoke from stage 4 cancer & were home or hospital bound , we waived doctor fee's & gave money orders to low income patients with severe MS like my wife so recertification wouldnt cost them a dime ,i gave away roughly 20% of our gross & the cash was still rolling in faster than i could get it to the bank , my 2 partners saw the 20% as a profit loss instead of holding true to the mission statement our charter was granted a provisional liscense to operate under ( keep in mind this is Michigan & no mj shop gets a business liscense , ours was the 1st & only liscensed co-op ) , we got in at the start & theres been a moratorium on liscensing since to my knowledge.
My partners set up grow houses & started growing mid grade product & mixing it in with my top shelf meds to account for the 2lbs a week they back doored the membership on , they started selling qp's to members when our limit was 7 - 14 g's per member per visit , they did everything they could to line their pockets even though how i had it set up all 3 of us would be millionairs within 5 yrs legally but that wasnt fast enough , both partners made less than $50k a yr before becomming involved in the business , within a year they were driving a BMW & a Vette !
I paid our employees a minimum of $16 an hour & my store manager much more , they wanted to cut wages to $10 an hour to maximize profits when there was no need to change anything , we were so profitable we were on the cusp of opening our 2nd liscensed storefront & needed to use vendors for the 2nd retail space , i couldnt produce more than the 4lbs a week i was for the club so like it or not i needed vendors .
The vendors i met at 1st were greedy arrogant growers who wanted $250 an ounce or more which is ridiculous, we let all prospective vendors know in advance that we payed one price for recievables which was a fair $2k a lb & they'd all be responsible for taxes & 1099'd , we posted an open welcome meeting to all vendors in our newsletter & store windows where our lawyer would be in attendance to explain what would be required of them to become a member of our co-op & a provider for the membership .
We had nearly 50 growers show up & our city approved charter was explained to them , then what it takes for the co-op to remain a non profit class business & how the business had to account for every dollar & every gram , he also gave them tips on how they could legally claim their expenses including the home they grew in & at the same time protect their assets from uncle sam , 80% of the growers pissed & moaned about how they'd be getting fucked & not make as much money as they could on the street ,i asked a show of hand poll asking the prospective members is growing was their main source of income & had atleast half raise their hands ,this is where i got a bad taste for most vendors , i had to ask them if their only interest was in making as much untaxed money possible & if so to hit the door right now , but if they gave a damm about helping people & making an honest decent living then to stay , we had 6 vendors stay till the end of the meeting & out of them 6 only 1 signed up that night , within 3 days the remaining vendors who stayed until the end of the meeting all supplied samples & were signed on as vendors .
Over the next few months vendors who welcomed the protection paying taxes offered them started flocking in atleast one a week , we had so many comming in we had to post a sign saying were currently not accepting new vendors , we had our pick of dozens of quality vendors who's only interest wasnt lining their own pockets , those were the vendors I APPROVED & USED , my partners took phone numbers from the shady bunch & started doing back door deals , right before i decided to close the co-op down it was to the point all my meds & quality vendor meds were being stolen from the club & sold on the street for more money , then replaced with sub par vendor meds unchecked for mites & molds , i owned both buildings & was majority shareholder with the co-op still owing me allmost $100k , i gave my partners a choice to buy my shares on the spot & the co-op members finish paying off my remaining investment or we shut the doors as soon as the last gram in stock was sold .
Im not gonna post the amount i sold my shares for but i will say that 2 guys making $100k a yr salary off the co-op had no business having enough money to cash me out but they did , they bought me out & the last i knew the IRS is heavily into their books trying to find where they got the cash to buy me out because i claimed the payments , i had to ,the start up costs originally came from my retirement account & had to be replaced in order to assure health care for my wife should i go before her.
Were both in our 60's & both have serious medical issues ,the start up capital for the 2nd store came as a loan from my family real estate business account & needed to show repayment, ive turned the business over to my son & couldnt leave my childrens business a mess so that money needed reported & claimed .
I know for a fact that the vendors i approved & had accounting 1099 them are in the clear while the other several dozen vendors who my partners used are screwed with the IRS , my partners had to show where the money came from to cash me out & all of them are in a big mess because the books dont record each transaction to any individual , the IRS brought in a forensic accountant & he's not making allowances for unnamed transactions, right now my ex partners are in danger of loosing the business , their newly bought houses , the BMW & Corvette ZR1 they bought with club assets & anything else in their names .
I recieved a letter from the IRS not 2 weeks ago telling me i may be called to a sworn deposition to explain in detail how the vendor process works in the day to day accounting with the business , my 2 yrs as ceo passed the forensic accounting from the IRS & my assets are not in danger .
Its good that you hold to your beliefs unfortunately most dont think like you & me , my partners are having a hella time getting their back door vendors to come foward & claim payment , now the ex partners are stuck proving where nearly $800,000 came & went.
Their legal fee's are gonna be in the hundred thousand dollar range easily , the co-op attorney resigned shortly after his 1st meeting with the new CEO .
All the shit they are in coulda been avoided by simply not being greedy & using vendors who cared about doing business the legal way , as business owners our biggest enemy isnt the DEA its the IRS .
Im of a belief that clubs have a responsibility to protect the identity of patients & i did do that but when money changes hands were all in it together at that point , vendors are small business owners if they profit in any way according to the IRS & i didnt have too much trouble rounding up vendors who wanted to be on the level , part of this fight is everybody doing things on the level , then theres no need to hide imo .