newby growing blue dream

You're looking for a tread called fuck i missed. The mainline thread in subcools old school organics is a good read. looking at the pics I say one gallon pots in turkey pans? Whats the brown run off? I think over fed, over watered and too hot on the top. This leaf that leaf curl up and the bottoms sag = over watering and too much heat.
How high do your plants need to be before toping them or fimming them and what is best for blue dream
That's up to you and how big you want them to be.
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Contact the health department and find out what they're using to treat the water first . You need a different light also. the tops of your plants should be more like 78 to 80 degrees. Heat lamps for chicks are low light and high heat. You're going for intense light and low heat.
It all starts with good genetics, lighting and your growing ability. I recommend you read the threads I suggested.
I was told to go down to the lake and use that water i hear its better
Sounds good to me probably full of good microbes. ph test it and see what you're working with. I know rain water is typically acidic. Is everything around the lake nice and green? If its green its a good sign
o_ObongsmilieWow this thread is still going ? Still no lights not even a CFL? or never smoked pot once opprezzco? Now you are worried about "getting most yield " ???
o_ObongsmilieWow this thread is still going ? Still no lights not even a CFL? or never smoked pot once opprezzco? Now you are worried about "getting most yield " ???
Ok i have tryed to edibles for the last few days alittle at a time it make me sleep.and i still dont have money to buy lights would u like to buy me some.but when it hits enouph light outside i been bringing them outside and when the light goes away i bring them inside.but i need to know how many nodes i need on the plant before i start toping or fimming them and what is best for blue dream.and im hoping to get a ride out to the lake to get water there i was told its better for the plants
o_ObongsmilieWow this thread is still going ? Still no lights not even a CFL? or never smoked pot once opprezzco? Now you are worried about "getting most yield " ???
And stop giving me a hard time and just give me ideas to help me the cheapest way as soon as i buy it then i will start buying it.just give me ideas im a mother that just lost her 3 year old daughter in a car accident 7 months ago,and i was the one driving i had to watch my little girl pass away and my other kids in im in alot of meds for depression.and im trying this weed thing to get off of meds and try to live a normal life.and also if i yield enouph and its good the place were i buy the plants i can sell back to them too.and it will give me the money to give my kids a new stop giving me a hard time and just give me ideas to do this without spending alot of money i dont have please
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter princess, I also have lost family to car accidents and I feel your pain but I wasn't even present so ya, you must be strong.

I honestly hope you find the peace your looking for, and gardening can definitely help.

I reccomend maybe starting a vegetable garden outside ass well?helps pass time and keep ur mind off things.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter princess, I also have lost family to car accidents and I feel your pain but I wasn't even present so ya, you must be strong.

I honestly hope you find the peace your looking for, and gardening can definitely help.

I reccomend maybe starting a vegetable garden outside ass well?helps pass time and keep ur mind off things.
I have 3 flower gardens and fruit trees and a veggie garden.i try to keep my self busy and i sorry everyone read that but its tireing reading people giving me a hard time im doing the best i can with limit income.and i just looking for better cheeper ideas to do this.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter princess, I also have lost family to car accidents and I feel your pain but I wasn't even present so ya, you must be strong.

I honestly hope you find the peace your looking for, and gardening can definitely help.

I reccomend maybe starting a vegetable garden outside ass well?helps pass time and keep ur mind off things.
Nd thank u
This would be better than what you have. You can build a light for around 100$.