Well-Known Member
Mucho thanks and namaste to all the well-known-and-recognizable-members that posted here. Tbah I'm flattered I am a new grower and I'm still working out the chinks to my growing methods.
You're absolutely right but I've been with it for almost every day of it's life and I've seen it develop and I think it has offered pretty much all it can genetically in terms of yield it could go another week no doubt. Also I guess I should mention at least 15% of the trichs are a beautiful gold colourYes they will. Bract/Bracteole or buds as most call it begin developing 1-2 weeks after the photoperiod is reduced to induce flowering. The stretch period ends about 5-6 weeks after flip depending on strain, and bud development ends, the buds enter the "swelling" stage. For the remaining time after the bud development ends the buds begin to swell and continue to swell till the end of its life cycle when the plant is ready for harvest, in which time it doubles and sometimes triples in weight. Cannabis flowers put on most of their weight in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering.