1st Time Grower Please Help

David Stans

Hello all, I have seeds germinating as we speak. I've set up a Mother Keeper tent, and I have a T5 Light hanging above, Exhaust fan, and a clip on fan. My current tent temp is 72-77, but for the life of me I cant get the humidity any higher than 36. I live in Michigan so it's winter here, however I went and bought a cool mist and a warm mist humidifer. Neither one is working.. I was about to buy this one

I'm not sure what is going on, my temp gauge is on plant level and the probe is hanging about the lights, and both will not go over 36%. I'd greatly appreciate any help and I've looking through other post before posting this one..

Some key notes I thought I'd add
* I don't currently have any plants in the tent, just trying to get the environment right first
* I've tried putting the unit (humidifier) in the tent to humidify inside but I figure the air is just blowing right out, I've also tried to put it outside to humidify the room the tent is in..
*Seems like I get variations if I leave the tent door open vs sealing it up..

Thanks for any assistance.


Well-Known Member
Once you get some plants in there that have water holding in the soil your humidity will go up. I dont want RH over 40% ever(Powder mold sucks). When I water I get that tops


Well-Known Member
Humidity is one aspect i have yet to figure out, its like it has a mind of its own


Well-Known Member
My rh is never above %30. Without the humidifier on full blast, it's %15.

I germinated with plastic bags loosely over pots,.and took them off a.few days after sprout. I just keep the humidifier on now. But when it does run out occasionally, the seedlings almost look better with lower humidity.

Fresh air lowers rh in the tent, but they seem to appriciate that too.

David Stans

thanks everybody for your help I really appreciate it. just an update before I left last night for work the humidity was at 40% that was with a Walgreens humidifier and a vaporizer in the room. about 6 hours later I asked my significant other to check and it dropped back down to 30 but that was because the water ran out of both. I'm not as panicky and I feel a little better considering everyone is saying once the plants get in humidity isn't that big of a deal because it will rise by itself. I probably will take those back and order another humidifier that I can the humidistat and a larger tank JIC. Thanks again I will keep everyone updated on the first grow.


Active Member
I have the same problem as you and i can sometimes get my humidity up to 40-42% i am in NJ and the winter here this year has been brutal its sucking all the moisture right out of the air. I put a couple little tupper ware trays of water in my grow room seems to have helped a little and i also bought a cheap humidifier from walmart for 25 bucks. My humidity before all of that was about 10% crap. Humidity can be a pain but good luck to ya and i hope you figure it out but the humidity your at isnt the end of the world you should be ok.


Well-Known Member
MJ isn't all that picky about RH, you should be fine. Use a humidity dome for germinating/cloning
It is picky if you live where it is very dry...like Nor Cal. I get great growth in Veg if I can keep the humidity above 75%.

It is picky if you live where it is very wet, like FL. Bud mold and spider mites are high humid problem.
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Well-Known Member
Your plants will still grow well if you do your part. Its not a big deal. the humidity will slowly pick up as summer gets here.


Well-Known Member
It is picky if you live where it is very dry...like Nor Cal. I get great growth in Veg if I can keep the humidity above 75%.

It is picky if you live where it is very wet, like FL. Bud mold and spider mites are high humid problem.
60% RH is the point where you invite mold to grow, so idk about keeping an entire grow over 75%. To each their own, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
60% RH is the point where you invite mold to grow, so idk about keeping an entire grow over 75%. To each their own, I suppose.
Not an entire grow. My Veg tent. The trick is fans and circulation. Add a 177 cfm air flow from the cold fog tub and I get 80% @ 80F in the tent. The 3-4 week olds just love love that, and gain height daily. I've never had mold or spider mites.

Today, for example it is the usual 30% RH, perfect for Blooming, hard on Veg.

When I start back up it will be with a commercial stage fogger they use for music shows, etc. All my early veg/rooting problems went away when I got the self filling, fog tub in play.

But, just for prototype I used 4 of the $20 ultrasonic floaters. They just wear out so fast, it is better to buy a $200, fogger that will last.

Oh sure they have them for greenhouses, but they seem to be more expensive.


Well-Known Member
Not an entire grow. My Veg tent. The trick is fans and circulation. Add a 177 cfm air flow from the cold fog tub and I get 80% @ 80F in the tent. The 3-4 week olds just love love that, and gain height daily. I've never had mold or spider mites.

Today, for example it is the usual 30% RH, perfect for Blooming, hard on Veg.

When I start back up it will be with a commercial stage fogger they use for music shows, etc. All my early veg/rooting problems went away when I got the self filling, fog tub in play.

But, just for prototype I used 4 of the $20 ultrasonic floaters. They just wear out so fast, it is better to buy a $200, fogger that will last.

Oh sure they have them for greenhouses, but they seem to be more expensive.
Interesting stuff, thanks the reply.