Passing the Torch.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of attracting the attention of federal government i want to pass what i have learned from watching my boyfriend.

So, I'll just get this out of the way.

I am not responsible for what you do at your house, all activity is not instructional, but for experimentation and educational speculation. All events legal under Prop 215(California Health and Safety Code 11362.5); and SB 420 (Cal HS 11362.7).

In the beginning our methods were crude. we used a sharpie and shitty kings butane. we found however, that if you use good nugs like venom OG the wax comes out white, literally, like cocaine. lol.

People will argue that the butane quality is everything, and to some extent, I can see that, but really, if you use nugs instead of trim, you will produce better stuff. and more wax to plant material ratio.

We've used everything from PVC to glass to metal tubes, and found that thick extraction tubes are the best. And i have read somewhere and using anything other than lab grade glass you will get sick. the butane will actually eat away at the PVC or metal depending on what kind of alloy it is, and if it has a protective coating or not. We have even used monster cans, and have produced some amazing crumble! yummy~~~

We use a tipless extraction glass tube, and it's a small one, I have been told that if you have a smaller tube, you will make more wax. I'm not sure if that's really true or not, seeing as how some of us use homemade tubes to blow our wax.

Ice extraction is clean and great, but it takes forever, so butane has been a favorite for all of us.

We have weighed the pros and cons of doing CO2 but seeing as how expensive the rig is, we decided against it.

Pyrex is a no brainer, a team of two or three people is best. blowing out doors is also a no brainer, we use a airplane hanger by where I live, a friend of mine is a Cessna pilot and he has a parking space for his plane. so it's perfect. it's huge and ventilated.

packing the material too tight into the tube proves counterproductive, as it takes more gas to pull the thc out fo the plant material.

we always purge with heat as we are blowing into the pan. i have seen people blow wax into a cold pyrex dish and i think it's a waste of time.

now, from the cops point of view, (my uncle is a cop) i can see how this shit can cause some problems. people are messing with highly explosive gaseous fuel and blowing themselves up. a lot of these cops were ex marines or army vets and they come back home from the middle east or whatever god forsaken war ridden country and find us beating our wives, driving drunk, and killing ourselves whilst making drugs because apparently weed wasn't good enough.



always blow outside, never do it inside, you will regret it. I have many friends who have blown off their eye brows and it looks hilarious. But they were lucky!



I think the purging process, as it was explained to me, is 50 percent, much like that curing process of wet buds, right?

we use a double boiler over the stove when the wax has stopped moving with the big bubbles, (small bubbles are fine, but make sure you pop them)

20 minutes to 4 hours depending on what you want.

higher heat will make shatter, lower heat, and longer cooking times will produce crumble, from our experience.

everyone has their own methods and depending on your altitude and weather location your results will be different.

happy dabbing!
Yes really. Very much so. That is why people vac for many hours 24-90 hrs and some still have residuals. Not trying to knock you at all
Dont get upset. People are trying to help you. There is always room for improvement ( in your case quite a bit)Do you have any pictures of finished product?
No one is hating on you

Unpurged oil gets called out for good reason

Some people in this thread, like twitch, do this professionally, and under strict guidelines.

It's common knowlege here in the concentrates section that vacuum purging is a must, if not purging via ethanol/iso bath

Not to be a dick but that stuff looks like pooo
Thats the scary part steele It sounds to me like patients are getting that crap.
why are you a fat white guy?

Fat white guys or not. Pretty or not. Doesn't really matter... That is some un-purged oil. Butane does nasty shit to the nervous system. Its my opinion we should be leaving butane alone period. Lot of folks here argue its just fine but few actually have chemistry degrees. Talk to a chemistry professor for a while about it and it could change your mind. Iso is safe thus why people are essentially using it to clean up butane extractions. doesn't get any safer than with ice water either.

...not to mention making bho is asking for trouble in CA. why risk it when there are other ways?
Fat white guys or not. Pretty or not. Doesn't really matter... That is some un-purged oil. Butane does nasty shit to the nervous system. Its my opinion we should be leaving butane alone period. Lot of folks here argue its just fine but few actually have chemistry degrees. Talk to a chemistry professor for a while about it and it could change your mind. Iso is safe thus why people are essentially using it to clean up butane extractions. doesn't get any safer than with ice water either.

...not to mention making bho is asking for trouble in CA. why risk it when there are other ways?

GW I believe has the paper to back up his rants..

it is under purgerd but you still sound like the typical ice wax rant, go jump around in the Rize up thread
GW I believe has the paper to back up his rants..

it is under purgerd but you still sound like the typical ice wax rant, go jump around in the Rize up thread

Im not promoting ice wax either. But with every idiot grabbing a can of butane and blasting this shit its gaining negative attention fast. Why even mess with it when there are other options that do NOT interest law enforcement? There is quite a bit of dirty oil going around in CA. To me THIS also a major concern.

There is a right way to do anything but when there is no regulation for the process you really don't know what your getting.

I can see your super sensitive when people disagree with you. However my concerns are valid as are my questions. Is the legal risk really worth it considering there are other ways? Why should people doing this put others at risk blasting at home? Honestly you should have to be licensed to make this shit and have industrial facilities to back it up.
This thread should be closed lol. I honestly feel bad for this girl now

Everyone just smoke one and chill lmao
Whats your winterization process? Just got my closed column and vac chamber, and your product is my goal, fuck crumble.... I got 190p everclear for the winterization, but no 'real' knowledge.