doe's anyone top their sog ?


Well-Known Member
im just wondering if anyone who does a sog from clones top them so you get two colas? Or is it a waste off time .... Regarding yeild.

thank u:)


Well-Known Member
I used to take some Y cuttings for SOG (flipping immediately after root). Does that count?

Yield? 1 pound.


Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to look into this seeing how I'm going to be running a sog. I've read where some people will top clones as they are put into flower to keep canopy height even, and then once again once the stretch stops, for the same reason. Training/trimming for multiple tops goes against sog philosophy of many smaller single cola plants.


Well-Known Member
I've seen it done when taking a clone of the top and then flowering the mother in a Y shape. To me it seems like you get a lot more by having two stacked colas vs. just having one... but I dont have the exact infos to back that up. Although, if the shape of the plant takes up to much space, you might as well have just thrown another plant in there instead.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 cheese plants (from seed, not clones) and one of them 'self topped'. They've both had the same treatment throughout. For what it's worth I'll compare the yield and let you know the outcome.