Cob heat issues


Active Member
I apologize if this comes off redundant as pretty much every heat issue but I feel I need some input from cxa/vero DYIers on cooling

what I got going on

2x2 Tent
200 cfm filter>190cfmFan>Ducting ran into attic to closest attic vent approx 25ft of 4inch ducting
2 6inch passive intake holes with enough ducting to block light only
4 cxa3070 z2 bin temporary ran on 4 of these drivers , I think its running at liek 244 watts

Im now up to 4 -6 inchs clip on fans inside for circulation
and tried adding very strong computer fans for intake.

with the cobs now over 20 inches above the canopy , when the tent is zipped the canopy heats up to 89 every time. (room temp is 73 pretty much all the time)

One thing I know I need to do is get better efficiency drivers (i would like to go with 1 or 2 for 4 eventually)

but I guess Im wondering what else can I do to cool these cob lights ? they are putting off an intense amount of heat


Active Member
One thing is I should mention.. I tried running the tent with out a filter with the same results


Well-Known Member
Watt= watt ;-)

Lower your wattage/place your driver(s) outside the tent/increase exhaust cfms.......pick two



Active Member
Watt= watt ;-)

Lower your wattage/place your driver(s) outside the tent/increase exhaust cfms.......pick two

drivers are out the the tent, and by removing the filter I tried increasing exhaust cfms. but you guys think I need more than 190 for a 22cft tenet ?


Active Member
With you doing an unfiltered test and hanging the drivers outside, I would say you need more....but you are close....
Subconsciously I think i figured as much , I guess I just didnt want to face the music . I think before I do that , im going to try and make some kind of cooling box for them and sacrifice some intensity loss from a piece of glass for some coolness on the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Driver links not working..

Arctic 11?

If it ain't working, over heatsink it for your small area. Get a phat 12" x 20" from heatsink usa. Cooling problems for 250w gone..

The radiant heat from the LES shouldn't be heatiing the canopy with a circulation fan and inline fan..

Or....get a dimmable driver and turn it down. I've run light overkill before and it's not really worth it.


Well-Known Member
How are you measuring canopy air temp? The radiant power of the light can push up the readings. I use the $1 thermometers from Walmart and have them hanging everywhere You can calibrate them if needed by sliding them up or down, then cover the red bulb with white paper or reflective tape so you can get the air temp. Or you can click the light off during the temp reading.

I have noticed how critical my circulation fan is to controlling the canopy temp. How is your circ fan?


Active Member
Driver links not working..

Arctic 11?

If it ain't working, over heatsink it for your small area. Get a phat 12" x 20" from heatsink usa. Cooling problems for 250w gone..

The radiant heat from the LES shouldn't be heatiing the canopy with a circulation fan and inline fan..

Or....get a dimmable driver and turn it down. I've run light overkill before and it's not really worth it.

Yeah AlpineArctic 11

@SupraSPL just with a hanging probe, it is actually shielded with a white paper cup cone. Ive even taking temp reads on the leaves with a ir pen style therm and they are reading just a few degrees under what the probe temp reading is.

@Jeeyah sounds right, I want to find a big one for all for but Its hard to find the right voltage


Active Member
I decided im gonna go for the driver swap to lower my wattage for the size Im in. Just to make sure, If I wanted 1 driver to run all 4, it would have to have an output of 144volts or more ?