Hyroot's Garden

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Well-Known Member
I believe you are correct on the genetics, @genuity can clear that up.

Growing one of these myself. Very impressed I got some pics up in the Breeders Boutique thread. Beautiful plants, everyones I've seen has been gorgeous and they have said good things can't wait to see what you do with her.
I've seen and smoked it. I haven't been around when the clones were available. I had good timing this time. It was unexpected too. I'm stoked on it. I was able to already take 2 clones off of it. Soaked them and put them in the cloner.


Well-Known Member
I've seen and smoked it. I haven't been around when the clones were available. I had good timing this time. It was unexpected too. I'm stoked on it.
I promised myself I wouldn't buy more seeds, but I think I gotta make another order with the BB guys to see if they have anymore.

I had 2 seeds initially but lost one to this damn cold dry winter and my poor germination practices. Since then I have fixed my issues :) and really want to see what else I can get. I got a bunch of Dog, Blue Pit, Livers BX, and Phsyco Killer (I think it's called) to run from them in the meantime. I made the order with them for the blue pit and haven't even popped em yet ;) Seen everyones fireballs and was like WOH gotta get on that :)


Well-Known Member
What movie? I used to see a lot.

As far as the work goes, just prioritize
and do what you feel like doing. :0)



Well-Known Member
What movie? I used to see a lot.

As far as the work goes, just prioritize
and do what you feel like doing. :0)


I saw The Kingsman. Century theaters (cinemark) does discount day every Tuesday. $5.50 . So i went. It was a really good movie too. I'm sure there will be a sequel.

I use tap water. I didn't have any aerated. So I decided to make a tea. I've been doing everything today.


Well-Known Member
Well, it got an 8.2 from IMDB, so the people love it.

I will look forward to seeing it.

....and my favorites were the the bargain days and time-slots.

Good memories.



Well-Known Member
veg room 1. The 4 black plastic pots at the bottom are clones. And 1 grow bag at the top is a clone. The rest are seeds


more updates coming tonight.

also dh has been out of stock on the green plastic saucers. Supposed to be in last Fri now next week... So I made due with some shallow totes and lids I already had.


Well-Known Member
The video is coming later tonight. I did another take for the flower room. For some reason that file won't play

The highlighted file on the far rights is that file.


they're all for the video.

garden is asleep so have to wait til later to film another take.......:wall:


Well-Known Member
wow...............that's big news...............time to make some $$$$$$:P
its up to the states now. Each sate still has to vote on and pass legalization. So it wont be legal recreationally til 2017 here in Cali. Voted on Nov 2016. I'm sure a few states like Iowa and what not will take longer..

the downfall is big pharma will move in. They already started in Canada and Michigan. Buying up land. They're just waiting for cannabis to classified below a schedule 1 drug federally. Then they will swoop in everywhere. A lot of groups are already fighting against big pharma moving in though.
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