The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I heard the national food of the UK is Indian food, is that true? I kid I kid.

I have spent a load of time on the Irish thread and thought i might pop on over here and see whats up.


Well-Known Member
I currently live in Denver, I know the new cannabis capitol, but before I lived in San Francisco and before that Seattle the next cannabis capitol.

I am currently growing ChemDog 4 and Green Crack. I have over a decade of grow experience and I am learning to breed now from my mentor who has been doing it for more than a decade and is a grower/breeder for a dispensary in Denver.

What is everyone else growing?


Well-Known Member
I see you lads like talking about history and what not. My minor in college is political science but i took a shit load of history classes and read a shit load about pharmaceuticals and psychedelics. You guys know about Albert Hofmann, Aldous Huxley, Kent Kasey, the Hippy Mafia, Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, etc?


Well-Known Member
I like roast turkey and xmas pud and the odd chicken vindaloo, waking and baking on 4 dif strains fuk knows how I would cope without my trusty cano, morning all, how do jenks havnt seen u for a nit sounds good re the breeding project...that cunt leary tho cia


Well-Known Member
“All we asked for was a little acid to get back across the country but the a-hole wouldn't share. He just dismissed us as degenerate drug abusers.”
~ Ken Kesey on Timothy Leary


Well-Known Member
Md jenks n abe are the only sound yanks even rambo knows jenks is cool

I heard the national food of the UK is Indian food, is that true? I kid I kid.

I have spent a load of time on the Irish thread and thought i might pop on over here and see whats up.


Well-Known Member
You know what zeddd I said no blues today imma have some volcano good call. Md welcome back man I missed ur weird stories what's up with the dispensery job?


Well-Known Member
I know addiction when I feel it. best take a week off but I've 3 boxes left n more on the way but the retail value is 3-4e a pill man n 28 a box €€€ and now I can spell


Well-Known Member
Remember the scammer I had problems with n he posted a drop of mine...took long enough but ppl always mess up/talk waiting on one person to verify n ask the lad that go tree him if I can have the addy (tree hey believe in privacy so I may not get it)and it
's the right person then I'm visiting him. No1 fucks with the slipper bandit and lads if I do go I'll pm u pics via pgp hahaha