Personal Opinion: When do u like to flush???

When do you Flush???

  • Flush when hairs are 50% red

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Flush at first sight of red hairs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flush when buds are ripe and let go for 1 week to flush

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Wait until buds finish then flush w/ Clearex

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Its all around here flush 2 weeks before, that can mean anything....What are you looking for?

I usually wait for the buds to look half way finish before I start my flush. meaning when half the hairs are red, and majority milky trichs.

some do at the first sight of red hairs and some wait till its done and let it go another week with a flush......

Where do u all stand with flushing???????


Well-Known Member
ya, but is there a certain look to ur buds when u flush?

a lot of newbs dont understand when to flush.


Well-Known Member
Right after a good dump, but I might give a "courtesy flush" before I finish if it really smells.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
Right after a good dump, but I might give a "courtesy flush" before I finish if it really smells.
I don't know, sometimes I gotta flush once halfway through and then once more when the duty is done but as an anti-clogging measure.


Active Member
I begin flushing 5-14 days before I expect to finish. I use a calendar because I can't remember my own birthday and run my tables on 2 independent schedules. For 5 days I flush with h2o and 30ml/gal sweet and for the last X amount of days I use straight RO water. If I space out and forget to flush (its happened) I hit them with Florakleen for 2 days and cut. I'd rather harvest a little early than flush too long.


Well-Known Member
i have stopped using a calendar i make so many small mistakes during the plant cycle that my calendar times are allways off and i find myself harvesting to early...i truely think that after you grow a strain a couple of times it will let you know when to flush. to soon and you could loss valuable yeild to late and you can loose a lot of the spectrum of your high turning into a heavy body thump instead of a mental trip. it is all a matter of taste. and genetics i voted at half hairs red but i really wait formore around 75 percent. plants grow and pack on thclike mad those last 2 weeks becarefull not to starve them..