The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
She'd be better off trying to drink 3ltrs of water a day...seriously n potassium (banana) to push out excess salt..the idea of potassium is alot of weight we carry is water n potassium pushes the cunt out so she'll look noticeably better (2weeks @ it) and thus feel better


Well-Known Member
She'd be better off trying to drink 3ltrs of water a day...seriously n potassium (banana) to push out excess salt..the idea of potassium is alot of weight we carry is water n potassium pushes the cunt out so she'll look noticeably better (2weeks @ it) and thus feel better
Who ya tellin man but sum friend told her bout it and ye no fckn women


Well-Known Member
Has she been sucked in by the " lose 27 stone in 5 days" body wraps as well yet? Of course with obligatory picture of fat bird "3 months ago" and another picture of a totally different girl entirely " now after using these wraps for only 4 days" lmao


Well-Known Member
Has she been sucked in by the " lose 27 stone in 5 days" body wraps as well yet? Of course with obligatory picture of fat bird "3 months ago" and another picture of a totally different girl entirely " now after using these wraps for only 4 days" lmao
No not yet but was lookin at them for meself they deffo work .... rite ???


Well-Known Member
U can get Propper amphetamine weightless pills on the dn body builders us where you'll talking 2% fat ur cut ta fuck


Well-Known Member
Anyone's that's looked into nutrition n general exercise seriously install.try realises how ridiculous these claims are.. Nutrition and consistency


Well-Known Member
Dude why wud u want a picture of 1 of my mates in his speedos ? Ha lol :) il ask him if u really want but i doubt me and him wud be friends for much longer
why would i want a pic of your mate? Thopught you would so you can prove the body wraps "toooootallly work, OMG its amazing, I need to sell this shit immediately" lmao


can you old pros recommend me an inline fan that isn't shite and actually does what it says on the tin... that is keep a single 600w and the tent it's in cool? Mine sucks (literally and figuratively)


Well-Known Member
why would i want a pic of your mate? Thopught you would so you can prove the body wraps "toooootallly work, OMG its amazing, I need to sell this shit immediately" lmao
they use athletes that are either injured or on bulks
n thanks to" muscle memory "they bounce back fast once they heal so fast transformation but some are totally different ppl lol n some take steroids