Ayahuasca Brew - The ingredients


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I have been wanting to do this for a very long time. Far as I know, the 2 ingredients are : Banisteropsis Caapi (root), and some leaf of any plant which contains DMT. Can someone provide me the exact ingredients, and where one can obtain them? Thanks in advance -8-)
Ok. So the other ingredient is Psychotria Viridis, aka "Chacruna". Cook both ingredients in a large pot for about 14 hrs on low heat. Anyone have anything else to add?
PS- I take meds for bi-polar disorder. Would it be safe to try Ayahuasca, given the situation? When I took shrooms while on these meds, the trip was GREATLY diminished, (almost non-existent).
Dmt and a good maoi is all you need.
So, provided I acquired some MAOI source (even celery contains it), then it should be SAFE to drink Ayahuasca? I'm just worried about any "drug-interactions" with my bi-polar meds - you know :hump:
Please do some research on your med bro mixing a maoi type med with aya could be fatal!!!
Thanks bro ! ~ I am aware of that, and it is the reason I posted this - I really would rather not DIE... trying to experience a nice DMT trip. :idea:
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Please do some research on your med bro mixing a maoi type med with aya could be fatal!!!

It has been reported that some effects can be felt from consuming the caapi vine alone, bcaapi. T-containing plants (such as Psychotria) remain inactive when drunk as a brew without a source of monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) such as B. caapi

Aya is dmt and an maoi. The maoi potentiates the dmt when orally ingested.
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AYA is stupid as fuck and for certain people can be deadly. if your trying to have an awakening experience get some good Acid or mushrooms or smoke some dmt.
Everything I've ever read or watched about AYA says you need an MAOI for it to be effective.

Yes that is correct a maoi is needed to make dmt orally active with out it you could eat dmt all day and have no trip.
Mixing aya which is a maoi with certain types of drugs can lead to seratonin syndrome which can be fatal. (Sorry wasn't very clear in first post)
When I did ayahuasca with a shaman from Peru, I believe he used Syrian rue for the maoi inhibiter. Messing with this stuff without the right teaching is dangerous.
If you FUCKING PAY ATTENTION then dmt/maoi mixes are no more dangerous than scuba diving.

Watch your diet several days previous and a day after.

You wont "purge" (read needess yacking or crapping goo) nearly so much as thosr all day brews with the sticks and leaves and shit.

Lists of what not to eat abound. Get several, merge them and stick the final one to your forehead.

If you have moderate hypertension, take your pills. If you have more serious condition, find another drug.

I screwed up and had an incident. But you do not have to.
Okay so coming from someone who has participated in home brewed ayahuasca at least 15 times and has given it to countless people, I can tell you that it is the best decision that you'll ever make in your entire life.

I personally use Acacia Confusa as the DMT containing plant and Syrian Rue as the MAOI containing plant. I grind them and brew them together in a 100g:30g ratio, the former being acacia.
Lemon juice helps, do 3/30 minute brew cycles, straining in between and re-adding the plant material. Make sure the water is at a simmer.

After all plant matter is discarded, simmer remaining liquid into ~1 quart.

This brew isn't the MOST potent, but I can definitely say that 3-8 small shots of this will change your life forever.
I know how to make the freebase form to smoke from MHRB but I don't feel comfortable yet in making and paring it with an MAOI. Still need more studying or good mentor.