my first grow ever.

I refuse to give in to providing a yield estimate, but that's out of respect, not out of inexperience. Anyone who *does* try to give you an estimate is either joking, or speaking out of their ass.

I have a full-blown three-stage grow op running in a one bedroom apartment, and because I have a girlfriend living with me, the bedroom is off limits. That means my space is very, very tight. It definitely can be done.

Your plants will double to triple in height when you go to flower, but that can be controlled by light and environment. In your case (CFL), I'd want the stretch, so that the budsites have more access to light.

Keep doing your research. Reading is very good, and so is struggling with space restrictions. You gain a lot from that.

I appreciate the solid answer on estimates.

Mine are actually in my girlfriends closet haha thats funny.
Only thing im worried about is if the cfl bulbs will be enough for the flowering process.
Yeah i research every single day, i treat my plants like a hippie, i even talk to them, not like they talk back but ive noticed thar when you show love and respect to tjem they seem to grow extremely well. May just be me being stoned, but i believe it helps.
One of the strangest fertilizers you may have ever heard of is human urine. Indeed, the yellow stuff is chalk full of the nitrogen that can promote stem and leaf production. It is important to not urinate directly on the marijuana plants or even near the plants because it might kill where it touches. This is because the urine has too high of a concentration of nitrogen for it to be safe. That is why it must always be diluted in about a gallon of water and then used quickly. If it’s not used soon after the solution is made, then you run the risk of ammonia forming which could infect and kill the plan
But urine? Is this a thing? In all my years this is a first lol.


Well-Known Member
Those look fine to me for 4 weeks. Good color, short internode distance. Lower temps can delay things but slow and steady wins the race. I'd be pinching out the tops about now to keep em short.

When I do that I never get 2X - 3X stretch, more like less than 2. i.e. an 18" plant will end up about 30" tall.

Good luck.
Just an update i put them into flower the day before yestraday. They have had a quick growth spurt, im feedin them egg shall extracr for potassium and epson salt diluted for calcium and magnesium, they love it so far. The smaller ones gonna give a little bud but i dont expect much unless it just jumps. Hoping to see the sexes soon.



Well-Known Member
Wth? What are u talkin about? Hahahaaa
If you can work out how long a piece of string is, double it, add 2, then divide that number by the original length of string- you'll have your estimate pretty spot on.
Any bit of string will do..or rope or chain...


Well-Known Member
I think the point was, that as was stated previously in the thread, yield predictions are impossible. There's so much can change between today and tomorrow and the week after that. Anticipation of yield is part of the fun. Prediction of yield is set-up for heartbreak. =]
Ahh yeah i gotchu now. Lol
I think the point was, that as was stated previously in the thread, yield predictions are impossible. There's so much can change between today and tomorrow and the week after that. Anticipation of yield is part of the fun. Prediction of yield is set-up for heartbreak. =]


Well-Known Member
Even if you've seen it before the guy is right never plant 2 in the same pot. And stop peeing on your plants lol. I dunno about urine i never heard of that but im sure it cant be good theres a lot of bacteria in urine.
Well everyone something tragic happened. Dss entered my house and was looking around we had to chop our girls and make cannabutter. They were on 12/12 for a few days. Hopin the butter does something so i didnt waste my time. They were both female too