@King Arthur That's why I asked Hobbs or Locke.
It helps to know which side a person is coming from in a philosophical debate.
It's a what's best for the collective is what's best for the individual vs what's best for the individual is what's best for the collective.
I'm against one sized fits all policy but I'm willing to listen as to why you think otherwise.
I used to live in an area with many people begging for food, beer and joints. I mean tons of beggars, people sleeping in tents and all kinds of shit.
Lets say that we gave this people $1800 bucks a month
I would never once feel guilty about someone who gets enough money to cover a months expenses. Very selfish of me but at the same time it helps these people, wether they want heroine or food they can get it with that check.
Now on to myself, I feel like if I had the money I would be able to do so much more with my free time. Like working towards my passions of growing as well as helping the community. With an extra $1800 a month I could save that up for a year and lease out a community center and do all kinds of fun shit.
There is also the fact that I wouldn't stress about working and going to school at the same time while also doing a full time garden.
Now on to employment, how many people are working in a job or career that they wouldn't work at all if they didn't need the money. Leaving the door open for people to experiment and try new things while also giving people that are inventors a check to cover their ass while they are coming out with the next water purifier or solar panel.
People generally work harder when they are in the position that they want to be in, there is more passion in a worker who wants to be working with you rather than some employee who calls in sick all the time or comes in late because he or she would rather be playing with their dildos than being in a shitty job.
Why do I feel this way? Because we are constantly getting shit on by corporations, by giving everyone a check every month no one would be forced to work at walmart or 711, students could pay for community college on 1800 bucks a month too. I don't necessarily believe that one size fits all BUT I do truly believe that it would help out everyone. Money is so fake it doesn't really matter anymore if we continue to print it. Why not just save the resources of printing money and throw it on a green dot card and say have a good time.
It would boost the economy again, people can't consume when they are poor as shit. Those trucks and suvs that have been sitting on the lots might actually get sold. Would be hard to say you can't pay your credit card bill when you are getting a check every month too. Less debt, less work hours, more creativity... who knows. It can't be that much worse than the direction this country is headed right now.