IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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^^ Yes, thank you for that Greece. My income is in USD and I love the new exchange rate, I actually have to work even less now because of that :lol:
If you'd actually work a little harder, you could work a few hours less too.

You really don't understand the meaning of "efficiency" very well do you... :lol: If anything it shows how lazy you are on the job. There's a difference between showing up and actually achieving something.

Bad Luck Brian meme material "Works the most hours, is one of the least productive"

You obviously have no clue what goes on in Europe and why you all still got food on the table... I don't need to post links. Man, you talk like you are in russia and only watch state television.

Russia ?
Bullseye ...
The next big thing to come ...
I 've no clue what's going on ?
Reality will show if that is true or not .
Just wait ...
Most probably you will be still alive ,when some dramatic " changes" will come towards your way ...
And then we can take this discussion to the next level ...
All you 've to do is to wait ...

Russia ?
Bullseye ...
The next big thing to come ...
I 've no clue what's going on ?
Reality will show if that is true or not .
Just wait ...
Most probably you will be still alive ,when some dramatic " changes" will come towards your way ...
And then we can take this discussion to the next level ...
All you 've to do is to wait ...

You even sound like a nut job Russian...

You want to make up some stupid shit about a country that's trying the help you, out of the blue... plenty of people here living in poverty, old folks not being able to afford proper care. Yet we still help you. I actually hope Greece stays in the EU and Euro, and not just that, for all I care you get a clean slate, entirely. The reality is I have nothing against Greece. You're a douchebag though.
Still posing to be a troll huh? I really recommend that book I suggested earlier, perhaps at least learn the difference between trolling and being a butthurt kid...
I figure out why you say you can't be butthurt. Because you've had 300+ dicks up it.
And why are you talking about Euro vs USD on a thread that's suppose to be
IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE! ?
Luminous Efficiency is another thing and denotes how many lumens are perceived by human vision per
electrical Watt .

If Luminous Efficiency is divided by LER ,the result will be a unitless value that denotes how many Watts of emitted light
a light source has per electrical Watt .

That's not true. What you're describing is also called luminous efficacy. It's luminous efficacy of the source instead of luminous efficacy of radiation. Both are in units of lm/W.

Luminous efficiency is another unitless number between 0 and 1.


"In some systems of units, luminous flux has the same units as radiant flux. The luminous efficacy of radiation is then dimensionless. In this case, it is often instead called the luminous efficiency, and may be expressed as a percentage. A common choice is to choose units such that the maximum possible efficacy, 683 lm/W, corresponds to an efficiency of 100%. The distinction between efficacy and efficiency is not always carefully maintained in published sources, so it is not uncommon to see "efficiencies" expressed in lumens per watt, or "efficacies" expressed as a percentage.

The luminous coefficient is luminous efficiency expressed as a value between zero and one, with one corresponding to an efficacy of 683 lm/W."
You even sound like a nut job Russian...

You want to make up some stupid shit about a country that's trying the help you, out of the blue... plenty of people here living in poverty, old folks not being able to afford proper care. Yet we still help you. I actually hope Greece stays in the EU and Euro, and not just that, for all I care you get a clean slate, entirely. The reality is I have nothing against Greece. You're a douchebag though.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.


A clean state needs freedom .
If the "help" provided is actually helping my people's country the way it did the last 6-7 years ,
then no we will say "Thanx,NO" and pass ...

I'm feeling quite proud actually ,to be called a douchebag,by you .
Really .

"plenty of people here living in poverty, old folks not being able to afford proper care"
Oh ,yeah ?

Few days ago one of my best friends jumped from the fifth floor along with his mother ...
He was just 27 years old ...
Ohh ,you just can't feel my rage and anger ...
And I hope that you will never witness them ,too ...

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You are the one off topic and calling you a troll would be giving you a complement.
And why are you talking about Euro vs USD on a thread that's suppose to be
IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE! ?
Not very good at forums either are you, perhaps you can scroll up and see who posted about that.

46 years old :lol: Sounds like you reached that point where you turn into a little kid again a little early.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.


A clean state needs freedom .
If the "help" provided is actually helping my people's country the way it did the last 6-7 years ,
then no we will say "Thanx,NO" and pass ...

I'm feeling quite proud actually ,to be called a douchebag,by you .
Really .

"plenty of people here living in poverty, old folks not being able to afford proper care"
Oh ,yeah ?

Few days ago one of my best friends jumped from the fifth floor along with his mother ...
He was just 27 years old ...
Ohh ,you just can't feel my rage and anger ...
And I hope that you will never witness them ,too ...


Speaking of Machiavelli...

Your mentioning of losing a dear friend reminded me of this song by Shakur, as he shares a line about a similar experience.

I don't have any friends outside my family but I can imagine losing a friend through suicide, as it happened to me many years ago. I grew up with him during my childhood and early teen years. He decided he couldn't handle the actions and factors of the environment he lived in, so he blew his head off due to all the pain and agony that he had been shackled to, due mainly to his decisions in life. He couldn't live with them or just didn't know how to overcome the burdens.

Life is rarely soft on us mortals and for no understandable reasons is it so.

I believe Niccolo's "The Prince" is based on Cesare Borgia, the son of Pope Alexander VI. There is a great series on Netflix, Borgia, which illuminates some of these characteristics of the Prince, although they appear enticing rather than repulsive.
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Ahhh the little pussy is getting annoyed ahhh poor thing you want me to pour you a saucer of milk?
Perhaps if you pray to the LED gods and really put some effort in that wisfhul thinking I will actually become annoyed and maybe even turn into a little butthurt kid like you. Worth a try right, since you obviously want it so desperately...

Squint your eyes, cross your fingers anddddddd.... Go!
Perhaps if you pray to the LED gods and really put some effort in that wisfhul thinking I will actually become annoyed and maybe even turn into a little butthurt kid like you. Worth a try right, since you obviously want it so desperately...

Squint your eyes, cross your fingers anddddddd.... Go!
You don't know it but I'm building a new panel and making a new thread and fucking with you all at the same time lol.
Perhaps if you pray to the LED gods and really put some effort in that wisfhul thinking I will actually become annoyed and maybe even turn into a little butthurt kid like you. Worth a try right, since you obviously want it so desperately...

Squint your eyes, cross your fingers anddddddd.... Go!

You really just enjoy trying to piss people off here in the LED community, right?

I understand this section of the forum is open to plasma and other technologies but it's evident from the existing threads that this is a predominantly-favored LED section.

That being said, state your purpose(s) here? I have seen no credentials on your part, only arguments about using different technologies. Again, this is a predominantly-favored LED section, so you invite controversy the moment you speak because it is evident that you don't utilize such orthodox technologies.

I could be wrong, which is besides the point.

The point is your not adored or even liked here in the LED section and you spread unnecessary conflict between the active members here, which as you can tell is beginning to unravel my coils.

Now you weren't slithering around this section a month ago, or even six months ago and if you were, it was extremely low-key, so it has only been as of recently that you decided to poke your head into our section only to periodically stir up undesired commotions.

Again, you don't belong here if you are here for impious reasons.

Consider this message as my advice to you to either scram or take a new approach when commenting in this section, as I'd love to see a cat change the colors of it's stripes.
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