wtf is wrong with my plant


Well-Known Member
the leafs look funny at the top the bottom is not at bad I did not over water 4 sure did not water them for 4 days soil was dry I got a cal/mag prob to but i will fix that when i get my cal mag in the mail, my ph is 6.5 on my cheep ass ph test pen starting to get aggravated its 1 problem after another lol they was doing good is this from the 82 degree heat or what im confused... 2 plants one is worse



Well-Known Member
the leafs look funny at the top the bottom is not at bad I did not over water 4 sure did not water them for 4 days soil was dry I got a cal/mag prob to but i will fix that when i get my cal mag in the mail, my ph is 6.5 on my cheep ass ph test pen starting to get aggravated its 1 problem after another lol they was doing good is this from the 82 degree heat or what im confused... 2 plants one is worse
Start of bud I've had strains do this no big prob


Well-Known Member
the leafs look funny at the top the bottom is not at bad I did not over water 4 sure did not water them for 4 days soil was dry I got a cal/mag prob to but i will fix that when i get my cal mag in the mail, my ph is 6.5 on my cheep ass ph test pen starting to get aggravated its 1 problem after another lol they was doing good is this from the 82 degree heat or what im confused... 2 plants one is worse
Not sure what the guy above is talking about, your plants are clearly stressed. Healthy plants don't curl like that.

My guess would be heat stress combined with soil toxicity. Not sure though. If you fertilize your soil often and then it dries out, the built up salt is going to be a problem. Try flushing with mild solution (1/4 or less strength) and I think it's 3 gallon of water/fert per gallon of soil for a proper flush. But even running enough to get a good run off will help some.

Add that cal/mag to your flush water as well.

Edit: I had plants that I forgot to water that wilted and drooped bad, I watered and they recovered some what but I later could smell rotting roots and the plants did look similar to those. Your roots may be burnt up from no water. Hopefully this is not the case because the plants won't recover really. Hopefully, you just need a good flush with cal mag.
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Well-Known Member
Not sure what the guy above is talking about, your plants are clearly stressed. Healthy plants don't curl like that.

My guess would be heat stress combined with soil toxicity. Not sure though. If you fertilize your soil often and then it dries out, the built up salt is going to be a problem. Try flushing with mild solution (1/4 or less strength) and i think it's 3 gallon of water/fert per gallon of soil for a proper flush. But even running enough to get a good run off will help some.

Add that cal/mag to your flush water as well.
after i did my flush is when this started, I will flush again my nest water only day if it wont hurt them to flush again so soon I try not to over feed they get food 1 time a week kuz i only water every 3 to 4 days every 1 says 82 is not to hot only up in the 90f and then shit bad happens but they dont look good


Well-Known Member
If you just flushed, then probably be fine just watering like normal with some cal mag.

82 isn't bad but sitting under lights in crowded space it isn't ideal either.


Well-Known Member
the leafs look funny at the top the bottom is not at bad I did not over water 4 sure did not water them for 4 days soil was dry I got a cal/mag prob to but i will fix that when i get my cal mag in the mail, my ph is 6.5 on my cheep ass ph test pen starting to get aggravated its 1 problem after another lol they was doing good is this from the 82 degree heat or what im confused... 2 plants one is worse
not enough light
root bound
too hot


Well-Known Member
the leafs look funny at the top the bottom is not at bad I did not over water 4 sure did not water them for 4 days soil was dry I got a cal/mag prob to but i will fix that when i get my cal mag in the mail, my ph is 6.5 on my cheep ass ph test pen starting to get aggravated its 1 problem after another lol they was doing good is this from the 82 degree heat or what im confused... 2 plants one is worse
Real easy way to find out.
Turn the light off for 24 hours
and see how they look then


Well-Known Member
not enough light
root bound
too hot
they have great light i got a ds 200 w and 6 40 w cfls on them now root bound is possible roots are piking out the smart pot at the bottom but i think they recover from that right


Well-Known Member
If you just flushed, then probably be fine just watering like normal with some cal mag.

82 isn't bad but sitting under lights in crowded space it isn't ideal either.
how dose the light hurt them the 200w led is not that strong and i was told the sfls will not give off to much light now I will say i fucked up growing 3 plants in my 2x2x8 space but my boys has 4 plants in a space not much bigger and his shits are smaller but doing good he had a heat issues like i did when my shit got up to 90f and had to cut a nother hole and put another fan in his room to get it to 85 but his is looking better then mine, also said where my plants was budding they will do that but I dont trust much he says kuz he has only 4 grows under his belt and all of his plants did that lol


Well-Known Member
That's what you ph pen is telling you, I'm telling you what your plant is trying to tell you
ph liquid says 5.0 but i will lower it I also have 2 shitty ass pens 1 says 6.5 the other says 6.2 and the drops say 5.0 but I will flush with ph adjusted water and bring it down, where i just flushed will it be ok to flush again when plants need watered, see i use all 3 ph testers kuz i know the drops are not right on but i do know if myrun off ph is 7.0 the drops will read at 7.o but may be higher then 7.o so i figured where my drops say 5.0 and ph is 6.5 i was close to the mark but not over 7 i will lower it in 2 moor days if they make it that long they dont seam like they dying just not very happy


Active Member
the leafs look funny at the top the bottom is not at bad I did not over water 4 sure did not water them for 4 days soil was dry I got a cal/mag prob to but i will fix that when i get my cal mag in the mail, my ph is 6.5 on my cheep ass ph test pen starting to get aggravated its 1 problem after another lol they was doing good is this from the 82 degree heat or what im confused... 2 plants one is worse
Did you calibrate ur pH pen. . .?
It's been known to happen....


Well-Known Member
how dose the light hurt them the 200w led is not that strong and i was told the sfls will not give off to much light now I will say i fucked up growing 3 plants in my 2x2x8 space but my boys has 4 plants in a space not much bigger and his shits are smaller but doing good he had a heat issues like i did when my shit got up to 90f and had to cut a nother hole and put another fan in his room to get it to 85 but his is looking better then mine, also said where my plants was budding they will do that but I dont trust much he says kuz he has only 4 grows under his belt and all of his plants did that lol
My bad, I was thinking you were using a HID. I've got a few more than 4 grows under the belt and plants don't do that shit unless something is wrong. There is a great sticky thread called "plant problems", a lot of post but I'm sure someone else in there has had this issue.


Well-Known Member
May be a heat issue because if you look at those pics the bottom leaves are not clawing/curling. Just the upper leaves are.