Ro and distilled water no good?

Theres plenty of Cal and Mg in tap correct? Especially when the ppm is high? DUDE! Thats so simple it HAS to be genius!!!

Dilute the tap water HAH!!!! Wow I think my brain just got a wrinkle in it lmao wooo what a rush... that saves on money too lol ok im done guffawing and hwhat not..

I'm gonna do a side by side of some precious and raunchy full strength tap vs half and half..

Any one else recommend using my KLN or did i basically waste money? Or should i use less than recommended or FAR less??? I'm all pumped now haha


Well-Known Member
No one ever seems to say bad things about rainwater. Look this up to satisfy yourself, but rain is close to RO which is close to distilled.

For hydro, this would maybe be problematic. For real soil (not bottle-fed using "soil" as a medium) RO / Rain / distilled is all groovy
Im on city water actually.. the well out here is like 8-900!! Super sulfery stuff but i think ill do tap ! Rain qud be great if it evwr rained lol :) always wanted tanks to catch


Well-Known Member
Water is water.

The difference between RO and distilled is essentially nothing.

It doesn't matter either... If your tap is 50ppm, it may as well be treated like distilled.

People make such a fuss about where their plants water comes from, and try to "add things back" to it, implying it's supposed to be there in the first place. Since when did rain have cal-mag+ in it.
Water is water.

The difference between RO and distilled is essentially nothing.

It doesn't matter either... If your tap is 50ppm, it may as well be treated like distilled.

People make such a fuss about where their plants water comes from, and try to "add things back" to it, implying it's supposed to be there in the first place. Since when did rain have cal-mag+ in it.
Meaning tap is prefferable to rain/ro/distilled or low ppm tap ?


Well-Known Member
Chlorine or Chloramine would be about the only thing I'd worry about. Little compost in the water bucket will neutralize it.
It's water.
Yes... but its water that can kill bennies and that has cal mg and who knows what so its important to know so your nutes dont lock up or u dont under or over feed.. its like saying humans are humans so the composition of their blood is identical and has all the same anti bodies..
That was all said in a super sweet eye heart u tone btw :D


Well-Known Member
All water is the same. There is no tone. It can have different stuff in it.. sure, but people think they need to "put back" the 'cal-mag' they lost from RO or distilled, and that's just wrong.

Distilled water is just water... It's not magic.


Well-Known Member
Yes... but its water that can kill bennies
If you're talking about chlorine/chloramine, there's not enough added to city water to have much effect on soil. Water supplies are closed, relatively sanitary systems. Enough disinfectant is added to keep it that way. It's not strengthened for heavy bacterial loads like a swimming pool. Therefore, it doesn't take much load to exhaust the disinfectant added to tap water. A pinch of sugar to stimulate bacterial growth, spit in your water. Problem solved. Without doing anything, it should be exhausted in the first inch of soil.