Need Help With My New Grow


Strain: Big Bud (Fem)
Space: DIY PVC Tent 500 x 300cm
Lights: 8 x 600w Dual Spectrum
DIY Cool Tube/s

I need advice on these things:
- I am making DIY pvc tent that will fit the room dimensions 500 x 300 cm
would it be enough just to paint the inside with plain white color
or cover the inside of the tent with mylar foil for reflection?
- How will I redistribute lights?
Should I make one single reflector and fit all 8 x 600w inside and close them with glass,and run a powerfull vent through
or should I give each plant its own 600w DS above it without multiple reflectors but just one grand DIY one and run more fans inside with constant negative pressure
or third option I am considering is making two tubes,each for 4 plants,with a grand reflector above all,I don't see reason for buying 8 individual reflectors so point out if there is a reason for that
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Well-Known Member
Too much diy going on here.. You can buy a tent that size for around 400 bucks Id imagine.. And it would come with reflective material on the inside. I understand saving money.. But if a few hundred here a few hundred there is a big deal, your in the wrong hobby.
There is a reason for buying individual reflectors... To evenly distribute light. IF you are some badass inventor than by all means good luck with that. If not.. Lol. Why not just buy hoods that work well and evenly distribute lumens? If you don't want to buy hoods than I would run bare vertical bulbs . I would not construct some hokie ass do it yourself thing to grow cannabis efficiently . There are many companies that spend day in and day out trying to find efficient ways to make hoods. Let them do there jobs.. Focus on growing the plants


Too much diy going on here.. You can buy a tent that size for around 400 bucks Id imagine.. And it would come with reflective material on the inside. I understand saving money.. But if a few hundred here a few hundred there is a big deal, your in the wrong hobby.
There is a reason for buying individual reflectors... To evenly distribute light. IF you are some badass inventor than by all means good luck with that. If not.. Lol. Why not just buy hoods that work well and evenly distribute lumens? If you don't want to buy hoods than I would run bare vertical bulbs . I would not construct some hokie ass do it yourself thing to grow cannabis efficiently . There are many companies that spend day in and day out trying to find efficient ways to make hoods. Let them do there jobs.. Focus on growing the plants
Not a very useful reply there Patrick :) but thanks anyway
I think you could make a grow tent a size of house for 400 bucks with PVC pipes,black lightweight nylon fabric or polyester canvas (less heat buildup) and mylar foil
and considering that when you buy the prepared tent you get pretty much the same and need time setting up that too going for DIY version and saving 10 times more money really makes sense
The reason for making DIY is that I want the grow room to be compact to fit tightly the whole room
Vertical lights maybe make sense but this really doesn't works for me as it would produce too much heat any be obstruction probably
the best thing I can think of is "making two cool tubes,each for 4 plants,with a grand reflector above all,I don't see reason for buying 8 individual reflectors so point out if there is a reason for that",either than evenly redistribution,in my opinion the grand reflector would be cheaper and would redistribute same amount of light
only one thing is height modification,but the plants are grown at the same time


Well-Known Member
Not a very useful reply there Patrick :) but thanks anyway
I think you could make a grow tent a size of house for 400 bucks with PVC pipes,black lightweight nylon fabric or polyester canvas (less heat buildup) and mylar foil
and considering that when you buy the prepared tent you get pretty much the same and need time setting up that too going for DIY version and saving 10 times more money really makes sense
The reason for making DIY is that I want the grow room to be compact to fit tightly the whole room
Vertical lights maybe make sense but this really doesn't works for me as it would produce too much heat any be obstruction probably
the best thing I can think of is "making two cool tubes,each for 4 plants,with a grand reflector above all,I don't see reason for buying 8 individual reflectors so point out if there is a reason for that",either than evenly redistribution,in my opinion the grand reflector would be cheaper and would redistribute same amount of light
only one thing is height modification,but the plants are grown at the same time
I did point out the reason... The reason is efficiency. The pre made tents come with some amazing quality these days .. I purchased an 8x8 for under 200 bucks. Can't really beat that. I guess you can if you make it and can save "ten times the money". So your going to make said tent for 40 bucks? Your going to spend thay on Mylar .. time is money and 200 bucks isn't much for my zero time invested. Took me 25'mins to set it up. Mylar is going to cause a heat build up regardless . 6 6s in a tent is going to need AC for sure so why are you worried about heat when your going to have to use AC no matter what. have you grown before? How many years? How many rooms? Are you going to be exchanging fresh air or using co2? What size pots? Tables? How many plants? These are things you should be discussing about a grow. Not how do I diy a tent. sounds like this is your first rodeo


I did point out the reason... The reason is efficiency. The pre made tents come with some amazing quality these days .. I purchased an 8x8 for under 200 bucks. Can't really beat that. I guess you can if you make it and can save "ten times the money". So your going to make said tent for 40 bucks? Your going to spend thay on Mylar .. time is money and 200 bucks isn't much for my zero time invested. Took me 25'mins to set it up. Mylar is going to cause a heat build up regardless . 6 6s in a tent is going to need AC for sure so why are you worried about heat when your going to have to use AC no matter what. have you grown before? How many years? How many rooms? Are you going to be exchanging fresh air or using co2? What size pots? Tables? How many plants? These are things you should be discussing about a grow. Not how do I diy a tent. sounds like this is your first rodeo
Now you are getting somewhere :)
I am adressing again why DIY is better,its because you can make the tent openings,its lenght/height dimesions fit to your best interest and design of your grow room
and its much/much cheaper,but otherwise to answer your questions Patrick
- I tought writing down 8 x 600w was obvious that I am considering planting 8 Big Bud plants,but now I see its not obvious,my mistake
- 10 gallon smart pots
- Fresh air circulation will be run through the room (one room),lamps will all be in cool tubes,and fans of course,AC in this situation will not be required,but I lack experience
in this,as I only had small 1 x 600w grow before


Well-Known Member
Now you are getting somewhere :)
I am adressing again why DIY is better,its because you can make the tent openings,its lenght/height dimesions fit to your best interest and design of your grow room
and its much/much cheaper,but otherwise to answer your questions Patrick
- I tought writing down 8 x 600w was obvious that I am considering planting 8 Big Bud plants,but now I see its not obvious,my mistake
- 10 gallon smart pots
- Fresh air circulation will be run through the room (one room),lamps will all be in cool tubes,and fans of course,AC in this situation will not be required,but I lack experience
in this,as I only had small 1 x 600w grow before
Ok cool. But I Really doubt that exchanging fresh air is going to allow you to run 6 lights plus dehumidifiers and whatever else needed without an air conditioner . Do you live in Alaska? One plant per 600 is a large plant. How tall of a roof are you planning on puttin on this diy tent


Ok cool. But I Really doubt that exchanging fresh air is going to allow you to run 6 lights plus dehumidifiers and whatever else needed without an air conditioner . Do you live in Alaska? One plant per 600 is a large plant. How tall of a roof are you planning on puttin on this diy tent
Roof is 12 feet tall,again this is a room dimesion as a tent will almost fit the walls of the room,its only purpose is negative/positive pressure,smell filtration,and
light protection
I am not in Alaska,so your opinion is maybe less light,is 600w per plant overkill if they are together?
I want at least 14 oz (400g) per plant if everything is optimal for the plants


Well-Known Member
Roof is 12 feet tall,again this is a room dimesion as a tent will almost fit the walls of the room,its only purpose is negative/positive pressure,smell filtration,and
light protection
I am not in Alaska,so your opinion is maybe less light,is 600w per plant overkill if they are together?
I want at least 14 oz (400g) per plant if everything is optimal for the plants
You will definitely need an AC if you plan to run more than 4 600s IMO. Plus your going to need dehumidifiers and that will add more heat.14 zones is a lot per plant . Specially when growing with horizontal lighting under 600s. and no co2.. This is doable for a very experienced grower , your going to have to train the fuck out of those plants. 10 gal pots isn't going to cut it Id go 12 gal or 15 gal. Are you going to be growing in dirt? Coco? Peat?
i would definitely lower your expectations a little. What is your expected budget for this? Is this for fun or are you tryin to pay the bills?


You will definitely need an AC if you plan to run more than 4 600s IMO. Plus your going to need dehumidifiers and that will add more heat.14 zones is a lot per plant . Specially when growing with horizontal lighting under 600s. and no co2.. This is doable for a very experienced grower , your going to have to train the fuck out of those plants. 10 gal pots isn't going to cut it Id go 12 gal or 15 gal. Are you going to be growing in dirt? Coco? Peat?
i would definitely lower your expectations a little. What is your expected budget for this? Is this for fun or are you tryin to pay the bills?
I will grow in soil/vermaculture/organic fertilizers combined with bloom stuff,maybe then CFL's would be less trouble and cheaper...
you have any more advice on vertical lights (also with cool tubes)


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about vertical growing, check out that part of the forum . Cfl grows are a worlds away from 6 600s lol. That's why I was asking , if your just doing this for fun don't bite off more than you can chew. This is not a cheap hobby . Why are you afraid of an air conditioner? You can put a stand alone unit in a tent no problem


I don't know much about vertical growing, check out that part of the forum . Cfl grows are a worlds away from 6 600s lol. That's why I was asking , if your just doing this for fun don't bite off more than you can chew. This is not a cheap hobby . Why are you afraid of an air conditioner? You can put a stand alone unit in a tent no problem
I guess a little unit on a stand is a good idea,thanks