First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Well, I guess I spoke too soon last time LOL, but I think I'm better now. Please accept my apologies for disappearing again everyone, and many thanks again for all your concern. I really appreciate it you know, and I've missed everyone loads ;) I'll do this update and then try to get round all your journals etc as I can't wait to see how everyone's getting on. Believe it or not I have a few pics for you. I took the pictures at dusk with a small flash to get a better contrast against the green fir trees. Have also thrown in a few "real" porno shots for you - hope you like them!

My girls are still doing well. This last few weeks (up until this week anyway) they've been getting at least four to six hours of strong sun per day which has done them a lot of good. I don't know whether it's fair to say they're "flowering" just yet. There are lots of pre-flowers, but I can't say there are any "true" flowers. The tallest is now 60 inches LOL (pic 2, going left to right, only shows the top two thirds - you can clearly see some of the wind burn damage lower left). The shortest is 46 inches.

You can see that on a couple of the plants the lower leaves are turning yellow. Especially notice the yellowing on the one which I topped - obvious which one I think, but see pics 5, 6 and 8 (pic 9 is also same plant; pics 7, 8 and 9 are the pornos). Topping it has made it spread out like mad and it's using a LOT of water and food. I'm feeding it almost every watering now, but still it yellows. The ph is fine - I think it's down to the sheer bulk, the number of bud sites, the fact that they're going into flowering now and the fact that they're pretty much root bound. With up to twelve weeks or more remaining, as soon as I get some money I'm gonna have to buy bigger pots. My main concern remains whether I'm actually gonna get any buds.

OK, so I don't know if you can see any difference (last pics were on page 20 of this thread if you want to look back). All I know is they're getting pretty out of control size wise. LOL, wait til you see the height of the Purple Powers compared to the pic on page 20. Actually pic 6 showsg one of the Purples beside the Cinammons. The Purple, which is a very different beast - I'll fill you in on my Purple Power Grow Journal - is the one on the left :)

Look forward to talking to you all. Bye for now :bigjoint:


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Well-Known Member
hey whats goin on buddie.....
glad to see you're in good nik mate
n i must say the plants are looking fuckin ace some nice lookin shit you got there:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you know what fuck me i thought that if i try out side the bud will die ar kid but ur shit looks phat brv but it depends on were you at and what you grow but still i mite have ago iam manc so it mite be shit cos wether is shit yo keep your grow have you done indoor before? keep it up nice!


Well-Known Member
that one in the eighth picture looks just like my Cinderella #99! check that out... how tall is it, is it a for sure female? What kind is it again? We should compare yields! Peace


Well-Known Member
hey whats goin on buddie..... glad to see you're in good nik mate n i must say the plants are looking fuckin ace some nice lookin shit you got there:mrgreen:
All right mate, how's it going? Thanks for the kind remarks. I'm feeling OK and glad to be back ... and pretty happy with my plants so far ;) I'll pop over to your journal soon and have a look see - would have by now but got waylaid watching browndirtwarrior's videos on youtube (for the third time LOL). It's going to take me a while to get caught up with everyones' journals so bear with me ;)

you know what fuck me i thought that if i try out side the bud will die ar kid but ur shit looks phat brv but it depends on were you at and what you grow but still i mite have ago iam manc so it mite be shit cos wether is shit yo keep your grow have you done indoor before? keep it up nice!
Hi buffdog, thanks for looking in and for the kind comments. This is my first ever grow - I couldn't grow indoors for various reasons so thought I'd just try them outside and see what happened. So far so good. I'm in Northern Ireland and these plants (except for the Purple Power in pic 6, which is three weeks younger) had three weeks of solid sunshine when they were very young. I think that's why they grew so well. As long as they get at least four to six hours of sun MOST days then they seem to do not bad - especially considering the ad for these seeds said they do well outdoors "between orange or olive trees" LOL.

that one in the eighth picture looks just like my Cinderella #99! check that out... how tall is it, is it a for sure female? What kind is it again? We should compare yields! Peace
Hi loaded, good to see you. The one in the eighth pic is about 48 inches tall now, very broad and bushy. That particular pic was taken at a low angle to show the side branches etc more clearly. These are Cinammon, 95 per cent sativa cross based on a rare Jack H pheno-type (apparently) from They were feminized seeds and have all turned out to be female. Will have a gander at your journal shortly.

feckin el top lookin plants 'respect'
Hi bob, thanks for the comments. I'm very pleased so far, just keeping my fingers crossed for the remainder of the grow, especially the weather LOL. They are just verging on flowering for real, so I'm getting pretty excited now. Speak to you soon buddy :)
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys, thanks for dropping by and nice to see some new "faces" :)

i have som sativas just like that, i love sativa although ive never grown indicia
Love Sativa KoseGrower, only way to go for me. Are you growing yours outside? Do you have a Grow Journal yet? It's always nice to see another Sativa grow and compare notes ...

i never thought you could grow that good outdoor here. I am going to try next year.
Definitely give it a go Ultra Haze. We've had loads of rain here, although we have had some sunny periods in between. do a line of outdoor seeds especially developed for the Dutch climate, you should check them out (you can get them in the UK). These Cinammon seeds are for the Mediteranean climate though, but they seem to be holding their own so far ...

Pretty babies and your soil looks so freaking rich. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks LiveVibe, I think they're rather pretty too, but then I'm biased LOL. Soil is just a professional but cheap all purpose compost from Bulrush (NI company) mixed with perlite. They seem to like it. I didn't have to feed them til they were about nine or ten weeks. Can't be bad to that ...


Well-Known Member
I think my Cinderella is about 50-52 inches, I will measure tommorow.. I should look up the genetics of Cinderella so we can compare, I will get full circle shots of her tommorow so we can compare branching, shape, size, veg, technique, where they are as far as when harvest is, etc


Well-Known Member
No probs loaded, that should prove interesting. I'll try to grab a few more shots of mine today. As regards harvest the stated flowering period is 9 weeks, so if they start flowering proper now (and I think they are) then we're talking first or second week of October. However the few reviews I've seen of this strain would indicate that it will be more like 11 weeks. As long as they're done by the end of October they should be OK. Problem, of course, is getting enough sun before then to produce nice, juicy buds LOL.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhh triphid oh no it's just Green/b's plant.

good to see you back. hope all is well with you.

plant's are looking amazing.

Have Fun


Well-Known Member
how are the outdoor plants doing?.
i have about 10 growing outdoor , here in yorkshire, and only my ice strain is flowering.


Active Member
far out you guys are ballsy growin these outdoors. btw beautiful plants greeny!

i only ever did 1 outdoor grow and they were ripped!, be careful and keep em in a good hiding spot that still gets enough light man good luck!


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhh triphid oh no it's just Green/b's plant. good to see you back. hope all is well with you. plant's are looking amazing. Have Fun
Hi kulan hunter, thanks as usual for your kind remarks. It's great to be back and the plants are holding their own in this "marvelous" weather we're having. I see you have a new grow journal so I'll pop in shortly and have a look. Having terrible problems with the forum (the database error) so don't hold your breath LOL. Speak to you soon ...

how are the outdoor plants doing?. i have about 10 growing outdoor , here in yorkshire, and only my ice strain is flowering.
Hi crazy-mental, thanks for your interest. Plants are doing fine thanks, although they've been showing female pre-flowers for about four weeks now with little sign of them going into flowering proper. I have a garage, so if they don't move on in the next week or so I'm going to start putting them in the garage for 12 hours at night. That should do it. When did your Ice start flowering btw? And when do you expect them to finish. I'm worried about frost, but have just realised the garage might just be my saviour there as well.

far out you guys are ballsy growin these outdoors. btw beautiful plants greeny! i only ever did 1 outdoor grow and they were ripped!, be careful and keep em in a good hiding spot that still gets enough light man good luck!
Hi joefish, thanks for your comments. Don't know about being "ballsy" - more like not quite right in the head LOL. Actually they have done very well with limited input from me really, so I'm very pleased so far. Sorry to hear your plants got ripped. My garden is completely enclosed with no direct neighbours so I'm very fortunate. My only worry is the local flying school which results in light planes, mini-helicoptors and microlites flying overhead about ten times a day LOL. Thanks again for your good wishes.


Well-Known Member
hi gb i remember u saying u would be happy getting a wee smoke from ya grow well if you keep caring for them like you have been you will be smoking green for 6 mounths.
in the summer months even when its cloudy the suns rays penatrate the clouds you can still get a sun tan.
because the weather has changed in this country in the last 10 years we now have an extra month of growing weather ask veg growers so dont panic just yet.
have ya started with ya flowering nutes yet.
id give ya some rep but i dont know how to giz a clue lol


Well-Known Member
Hi again bob, thanks for the encouragement. The thought of having 6 months worth of green is simply staggering and beyond my wildest dreams LOL. I think I remember you reassuring me before with regard to my panicking over this very same issue. Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore your advice, I just worry about these things too much :)

You are quite right - I know only too well how the sun's rays can penetrate cloud haha. I knew this stoner (he wasn't half sane) who went to Ibiza and it rained all day the first day he was there. Not to be put off he sat on the beach, in the rain, all day long and ended up with sunstroke LOL. Even better than that, a few days later it was a real scorcher, so he took one of those three-sided wind-breakers down to the beach, covered it in tinfoil and lay in the middle of it. He fell asleep on his back with his hands folded behind his head and got so badly burned that he had to spend the rest of the holiday walking around with his arms straight up in the air LOLOL. Total dick or what ... Sorry bob, couldn't resist telling that story.

To answer your nute question, no I haven't been giving them flowering nutes as yet. I've been dying to but have been totally strapped this last couple of weeks. They are still getting veg nutes, 24-8-16 I think. No sign of them suffering as yet, but obviously the sooner I can get some flowering nutes into them the better. I've managed to get hold of a few quid tonight so I'll look for some nutes tomorrow. I recall seeing loads of various flowering nutes in B&Q, so I'll give them a go (no grow shops here that I'm aware of).

Not that I'm looking for or indeed deserving of rep (LOL - I thank you kindly for your confidence in me though), if you wish to rep someone you just click on the little blue scales at the top right of their post and a little box pops up. Took me a while to figure that one out too.

Thanks again bob - being my first grow it's great to get that sort of encouragement. Think I need to relax more ;)


Well-Known Member
Cheers UK - I have to pass Asda on the way to B&Q so I'll pop in and see what they've got. As long as I can get the correct ratios I don't care where I buy it ;) Thanks UK, that may save me a long journey.