The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fell asleep alot maybe 14 a day n the ludes those pipes (big bowls (go bog or go home as George Michael once told me) vids still uploading lol takes aaaages


Well-Known Member
N Propper benzo addiction to prescription not back Lly I o'd @ like 1kg or some.shit od Lsd out before k od


Well-Known Member
nope bit we've counseling next week loool I'll hear then
ha ha I went to counselling once, relate, cept it wasn't with the ex wife but with a bird I had been seeing for 6 months, she said we needed to have talking therapy to help us resolve our problems (me shagging her mate lol) so I said it may be interesting knowing full well she would be told to find another bf, so we went I told the truth which was shocking I had been shagging her mate and was onto her mum which I confessed and gave her no reassurances that I wouldn't continue, the counsellor was speechless, we then went to the pub got pissed fkd like rabbits wasn't a keeper imo


Well-Known Member
Hi all UK growers!

This thread is for UK growers, indoor, outdoor, soil, hydro etc etc!

Post everything and anything you like, assuming it has something to do with weed or UK!

Ill start off with a q now, the prices of weed in ur area, and the me ur ans.

woo, UK.bongsmilie
arite lads,is the attitute seed bank still ok 2 order with? has any1 had seed from them lately? as seen few bad threads? thanks.


Well-Known Member
Nah I started drinking again so everything went snowballing lol ill be grand in a month that was ludes)/mandrex /wolf on eallstreet can't get into car drug..which is gone.... Very moreish btw with the luuuuudes...I've my reasons I'll be cool as well me in a week just need a mad one once in while