Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if the thread title will have people quietly skulking through every page of this thread, trying to find the money shot?
I knew better & skipped to the end , your not that kinda gal :)

Yrs back we had this nutty woman who emailed a bunch of us fully nude pics of herself including a Hustler type money shot , she had a thing for Fdd2blk & wanted sooooo badly to be a moderator , cant remember her name but she was a handfull .


Well-Known Member
how old are the people who do the lurking thing ?
if iv got it right .

its only diffecult to join a thread when you don't know what people r on about i. Or your a teenage troll thingy .

im to stoned to be bothered today

us mature adults talk about mature adult shit stuff..

i shit my pants typing this


Well-Known Member
Either you just had a seizure or that's a member here?
Fdd2blk or Fade to black if you will was the main moderator here yrs ago & pot roast was the boss mod , Fdd2blk has been gone for a few yrs but he's out now & a global moderator , he just isn't posting .