The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Looked like a creamy rip that I'd of kept it in longer tho yano get the full luuude effect lol
I'd already hand a bong now imagine that n now trying to record yourself again with said cam.i was wankered I'd had to edit it i put the phone down foe like two mins black out nearly funny still....

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
"Smoking methaqualone, either by itself or as an adulterant added to various legal and illegal smoking mixtures, gained popularity in the US for a few years during the mid-1970s. Because the various binders and inert ingredients that were contained in the pill form were toxic when smoked, this practice was roundly decried by the medical community as a serious health risk. Smoking methaqualone pills can lead to emphysema and other chronic lung disorders, most notably talcosis."


Well-Known Member
Man i need to boost my immune system to fuck ... im catching every bug going n constantly ill as fuck .... never used to be like this ... until i hit 30 i was hardly ill ever .... last few years im like the walking plague ...


Well-Known Member
Man i need to boost my immune system to fuck ... im catching every bug going n constantly ill as fuck .... never used to be like this ... until i hit 30 i was hardly ill ever .... last few years im like the walking plague ...
vit d spray


Well-Known Member
Man i need to boost my immune system to fuck ... im catching every bug going n constantly ill as fuck .... never used to be like this ... until i hit 30 i was hardly ill ever .... last few years im like the walking plague ...
Sounds like an acute of auto immune desires.. Don't worry it won't.kill u but everything else Can
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