The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Got to crack on and pot up these 3 Afghan Kush and 2 Jack Frost shortly then set em up in the loft to veg, been putting it off for days.

Got a nice big bag of that Royal Horticultural Society granular myco fungi to treat em with again.

Damn good stuff it is but Wilko's have only just got it back in stock since before Xmas.

Cunting Wilko's only stock gardening gear for about 6 months of the year ffs, it proper fucks with a guy's rotation I tell thee!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Fucking hell!!

The estate agent gas man has just rang to come round and safety check the boiler in 45mins.

Suppose I best get rid of this bathroom full of coco airpot's, chemicals and baby ganja plants!



Well-Known Member
There's been a few batches of PMA laced pills killing people across the world mate.

Australia, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland.

They're not all the same brand pill/stamp.
maybe someone wants to kill em all..pretty slick if you're a psychopath killing thousands all that media coverage.... U must admit only a moron would press anything over 80mg

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Remind them they are spoosed to give you 24hrs notice in future as per your tenancy
He did ask if it was convenient as he was passing through in all fairness, 10 min whip round siding shit, open a few windows and it's gravy.

I'd rather get it out of the way now rather than a booked appointment in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Just done school run and ended up picking up 3 x 70ltrs compressed coco bales ... 2quid a pop ... cant complain at that !
Spring sales cant be beat lol ...


Well-Known Member
the girls this morning:

liquid silicone makes a difference, usually my cheese would be needing support by now. i pushed her out the way when she was dry and it didn't wilt one bit. nice
lol youll be on the terps next I can feel it


Well-Known Member
i tried to buy a bottle to see what the fuss is about but my local didn't have it in.
i still believe that bloombastic would do a better job but will try it next time i see some.

for this grow i might try 3 different boosters on the small plants. i've got a bottle of boost, a bottle of topmax and only a little dreg left in the bloombastic, i'll do 3 plants with each booster and see if i can notice any difference between the final product.


Well-Known Member
went to one footy match in my life was at arsenal and they were playing some eastie team, fuk me not at all my cuppa but can see why its replaced religion, cuntish how those clubs rip the poor fans with their prices tho


Well-Known Member
went to one footy match in my life was at arsenal and they were playing some eastie team, fuk me not at all my cuppa but can see why its replaced religion, cuntish how those clubs rip the poor fans with their prices tho
Nearly as bad as how the aul dn rips ppl of ha :) .. ahh if ya dnt like it ya dnt like it but i like it so fck it ... hows u been man


Well-Known Member
people fe'ing for large amounts of whatever on the dn to total strangers are fair game more fool them, football was created as the peoples sport and nowdays unless you earn a decent wedge you got no chance of seeing the big teams.

your chatting shit irish on that comparison you got a trade and a good earn not many can go see the el classico on a whim, best of luck to you and no hate but no fucking comparison either.............

scamming people you have talked to for many a year or have a connection with is a total different beast, but you would know that hay.


Well-Known Member
Nearly as bad as how the aul dn rips ppl of ha :) .. ahh if ya dnt like it ya dnt like it but i like it so fck it ... hows u been man
don't like crowds man and footy is one mad crowd goin mental lol glad I went tho, yeah ive upped my game with new kit and changed locations, all smoothe vaping on mixed swag, got 9 litres of It so not gonna run out soon, and this gavita has blown me away and heat issue to fuk rooms running a bit cool on 1150


Well-Known Member
don't like crowds man and footy is one mad crowd goin mental lol glad I went tho, yeah ive upped my game with new kit and changed locations, all smoothe vaping on mixed swag, got 9 litres of It so not gonna run out soon, and this gavita has blown me away and heat issue to fuk rooms running a bit cool on 1150
im not a great fan of crowds meself mate but the footy can be a buzz, i member going to west ham quite a bit as a youth i didnt even fucking support the cunts but me older cousin did, was so long ago that there was still standing in parts of the boleyn lol

best ever tho was at the lane my team, and me mate had a tenner on a 60-1 scorecast which came in that was a buzz most deffo lol