mini colliseum


Well-Known Member
Hi RUI ... I was wondering if anyone on RUI use this type of system .... i heard that they r a great producers but i would like to know "in's" and "out's" from someone who actually used one or so one in use... i'm thinking about getting one myself ... actually im debating between this one or a roto grow ... i so on RUI roto-grow journal and it's cool and all but have some moving parts and if those crap on me i feel like it's going to be pain in the ass to fix it ...

they both look like one hell of a lot of cloning.
the only thing i don't really care for with both styles is you're really locked in to that way of growing and have to find strains that perform best in it. what happens if you over veg or have a long stretching pheno? i'm sure the production of both when dialed is pretty damn amazing though.
Looks like an ingenious but complicated system. With prices to match...

I am sure it will pay itself back though. Would love to see one in action, how fast do they rotate :eyesmoke:?
That second picture is nine years old. If those contraptions worked well, don't you think there would be more recent pictures? @BigHulk I don't know where you live, but cannabis is legal in twenty two states and I have seen a dispensary commercial. The commercial looked like a community access channel commercial, pretty lame, but novel. Your wait is over.
That second picture is nine years old. If those contraptions worked well, don't you think there would be more recent pictures? @BigHulk I don't know where you live, but cannabis is legal in twenty two states and I have seen a dispensary commercial. The commercial looked like a community access channel commercial, pretty lame, but novel. Your wait is over.

Much easier to just set up your own verticle grow with a few large plants IMO

I saw that rotating device about a decade ago. Seems like its a lot of investment in materials for what ya get! Cool idea though; im guessing the inventor is a sativa guy!
If you have the money to throw away in order to save a little time building your own, these may very well be the shit!
IMO I'd build one out of 4 or 6 inch pvc pipe before I bought one
But I am also curious as to how these bad boys work after seeing them and having them on my mind- if you do happen to purchase one, keep us updated
There is absolutely no way some one woukd use those clown town contraptions in a commercial setting.

I could see it now.. "ok guys, we need to make clones today" "ok, how many do we need?"
"Ohh, about 2000 ought to do it"
wish i had the part avalable in the U.S.
Looks to be Heath's old setup. All parts are available in the US except maybe for the adapter end caps. I happen to know that because when I posted mine some people said they only seen it in heath's setup. Easy enough to drill a hole in an end cap though... Heath's setup was wider than the mini coliseum posted above and also had less plant sites.

@TheMan13 this looks famiar?
I don't know nr 13, not related to him, but looked familiar yes:

Also, Volksgarden:
Imo there is no way this would be used in a commercial setting. Might be interesting to do a run in one, but I don't see those of us with warehouses buying 100 of these things and having 20,000 clone sized plants going at a time
I do believe Volks garden sold their dream machine to Roto Grow, but many in the east have made their own at best using an old micro wave oven motor to rotate the drum, method is on youtube, but the way to go is the Grecian, Coliseum way, just don't forget to water proof the hps bulb fitting and the little bulb net, to prevent fires

ps. Best I've seen was made of stacked truck tires, stack 6-7 high on 1x 600w hps