How Many Plants/Lights in 16 x 13 Feet Grow ???


I was wondering how would you guys do it?
dimensions 16 x 13 feet ( 500 x 300 cm )
I am wondering how many plants can you fit inside this dimensions,and how much light should
you shine upon them,with all equipment included
Additional information;

SCROGing,topping,lollipopping,Big Bud,smart pots 12gals,long veg,600w DS,800 m³/h vent,fresh air,



Well-Known Member
Well that all depends lol. Very open ended question there.

Shine all the light you can, grow as many plants as you can without overcrowding. This will all depend on strain and veg time among other factors.


Well-Known Member
Well ya gotta give us a little more info. You could grow two monsters or 100 little clones.

The additional information you gave is jibberish.

What system are you using? How long do you plan on vegging? Lighting would depend on how you are setting it up and how well you can ventilate and control heat...


Well ya gotta give us a little more info. You could grow two monsters or 100 little clones.

The additional information you gave is jibberish.

What system are you using? How long do you plan on vegging? Lighting would depend on how you are setting it up and how well you can ventilate and control heat...
My question was in this given dimensions "I was wondering how would you guys do it?"
not give me advices on how long should I veg or how will I set up the ventilation


Well-Known Member
Just for reference I use dwc and LST and I have 2 under a 1000w hps and my room is 6x8. So if it were me doing one room I'd say 6-8 max and I'd run at least 4 lights. My entire area is 8x12 split in half so 6x8 veg and flower rooms and I am on my second grow with 2 clones in vet and 2 monsters in day 39 of flower. If u want pics I can post some of my setup


Well-Known Member
Its the noon if u don't wanna hear dumb novice questions the gtfo.
stfu noob you have no say here. its tiring too see peoples that have absolutely no will too learn on their own. ask a thouusand questions the google has more answers than the forums. just too lazy too look u need a bottle and a bib. god i hate lazy ppl.


Just for reference I use dwc and LST and I have 2 under a 1000w hps and my room is 6x8. So if it were me doing one room I'd say 6-8 max and I'd run at least 4 lights. My entire area is 8x12 split in half so 6x8 veg and flower rooms and I am on my second grow with 2 clones in vet and 2 monsters in day 39 of flower. If u want pics I can post some of my setup
Thanks elliott,good info :)