Doing well, at least in my eyes. I'm learning a lot about growing in soil. I think the biggest problem I had with my previous attempts was watering too much. I don't think I ever 'overwatered', but I'm finding that letting things dry out a bit gives the roots a reason to grow some. Not sure if I should raise the light or not, but everything is super short/ compact.
A fairy dropped some smoke off, but my tolerance is such that I can't deal with it. I'm basically fucked here when sober... stoned I haven't a chance. So the irony I had expected has come to fruition. That I would be off smoking once I started growing full time. Not sure how I'm going to test anything when it comes time. :/
And I'm pretty sure I jumped the gun up potting the 3 I did. Oh well, it was a fun learning experience. I can't remember the last time I felt so fulfilled as dropping the cups worth of plant and soil into the space in the bigger pots. I used an empty cup like the ones they were in to make the space, so the little ones dropped perfectly fitted into their new homes.
I've also come to realize that if there is one thing in the world I hate more than anything it's fucking leaf blowers. If it can't be done with a rake and/ or broom... it shouldn't be fucking done.
Psycho killer, and two views of a Jakes dream.