Yield question..


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I'm starting a perpetual SOG grow of 60 plants, and I'm planning to harvest 30 by the end each month.
As for the strain, it is still unknown because I might be getting some Money Maker or Blue Widow seeds.
I was wondering how much could a 1 foot plant yield?
I got three 250w HPS inside a considerably large closet, it's soil grow and temps are usually around 29 - 34 C.
I'm not looking for an exact number, but a probable number.

Thanks for any opinions and advice.



Well-Known Member
I'll guess half a pound Or a qp every 30 days if you do well
Might want to consider doing 2 plants per light and save some dirt & nutes as you'd prob average the same yield


Active Member
lol... have you googled the question?
Yes, I have.
Have seen a bunch of forums, with a bunch of different answers, different growing setups, growing techniques, bla, bla bla..
I want an opinion based on my growing conditions and setup.
If you even bothered to answer "lol... have you googled the question?", either you're high as fuck or you're just not that productive of a member is this forum.
Life goes on.


Active Member
3 250W for 60 plants? That's 20 each. 250W/20 plants = 12.5W/plant. Not gonna yield much....
So, what you're theoretically saying is that 2 plant under a 400W, each get 200W? How does that work?
Don't the 20 plants get approximately 250W each?
I mean, they are all under the same light.


Active Member
I'll guess half a pound Or a qp every 30 days if you do well
Might want to consider doing 2 plants per light and save some dirt & nutes as you'd prob average the same yield
I'll harvest this time just how it is, and I'll update the thread with the results later.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of variables that we don't know about. Pot size, growing medium, veg time all play a part in your final outcome.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of variables that we don't know about. Pot size, growing medium, veg time all play a part in your final outcome.
people dont understand that. "i have a light n some seeds. how much can i yeild?"

if the stuff you read was considered blah blah blah then thats what you're going too take in all the info you get here as. you didnt tell any info on your grow not even strain or brand if soil, nutes, fans? but you wanna know what you can yeild.. hmm seems ridiculous if you put it out there. as stated above 750w for 60 plants theres going to be plants on the outer edge of the light that obviously wouldnt yeild what the ones in the full light. if you would have google yeild questions you would have found 10,000 threads with 15,000 ppl saying noone can tell you what you can yeild. you didnt even state if you had experience.


Well-Known Member
ohh a rule of thumb is 100w for one plant then add 50 more per plant. so with a 250w light you can theoretically run 4 plants. so 12 would be "maxing out" your light. unless u know u want 48 scraggly plants that yeild shit each. maybe you should read a little more before posting perhaps


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I'm starting a perpetual SOG grow of 60 plants, and I'm planning to harvest 30 by the end each month.
As for the strain, it is still unknown because I might be getting some Money Maker or Blue Widow seeds.
I was wondering how much could a 1 foot plant yield?
I got three 250w HPS inside a considerably large closet, it's soil grow and temps are usually around 29 - 34 C.
I'm not looking for an exact number, but a probable number.

Thanks for any opinions and advice.
I dunno man sounds like too many plants or too little light to me too. I mean of course it's doable, if you go 12/12 from seed and grow in 1 gallon pots. Maybe tie the main stem down around the edge of the pots.

I dunno man. Seems like the best question to ask would be how many grams can I pull per what per cycle first. Estimate a doable 1 gram per watt. 750 grams. But, your conditions have to be spot on to get 1 gram per watt.

Next question. How many plants can I grow efficiently and effectively under a 250 watt light and get 1 gram per watt.

Seems like your working backwards. You decided you want to grow 60 plants first. The next question should be. What is the minimum amount of light I will need to effectively and efficiently grow 60 (pick one) "small" "medium" "large" plants.

It's kind of a mathematical formula.

Good luck tho. I would be interested to see how you pull off growing 60 plants with 3-250s for real.


Well-Known Member
people dont understand that. "i have a light n some seeds. how much can i yeild?"

if the stuff you read was considered blah blah blah then thats what you're going too take in all the info you get here as. you didnt tell any info on your grow not even strain or brand if soil, nutes, fans? but you wanna know what you can yeild.. hmm seems ridiculous if you put it out there. as stated above 750w for 60 plants theres going to be plants on the outer edge of the light that obviously wouldnt yeild what the ones in the full light. if you would have google yeild questions you would have found 10,000 threads with 15,000 ppl saying noone can tell you what you can yeild. you didnt even state if you had experience.
i dont know how u dont understand if u got a 250 watt light and 10 plants under the one light each plant is using 25 watts each wats so hard to understand u cant just say im growing 60 plants under 75 watts and expect anyone to be able to tell u a estimated harvest
1 watt per gram is a guide line but hard to achieve
what strain is a big factor what size pots is another
what type of media
what nutes
lights cycle 24/0 18/6 for veg
temps lights on temps lights off humidity
how close are the lights
whats your ph ?
how long veg as true sog is 12/12 from seed
12/12 from seed / clone with 60 plants under 750 wat would prob pull the same as 30 plants 16-20 plants under 600 watt i imo minimum but others might help more

personal lux

Well-Known Member
Holy shit, 60 plants for 750 watts? closet is around 2ft by 6 ft then? Are you using half gallon pots? no veg time im guessing? Thats a crazy set up to even think about lol most people shoot for around an oz per square foot. You should expect like a quarter to half zip per plant id say.