On average how much does one plant yield (growing outside)

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
How hard is it to hit the 5-10 pound plant goal if you start them indoors in October and put them out once spring hits? I imagine with the right setup and basic know how you could hit 5lb plants with ease doing it that way.

This is all assuming legal grow, your land, research, no extreme disaster type shit going on xD
Ask gardenboss.. or jj... the amount of nutrients necessary for a plant that big to thrive and produce quality weed will blow you away.
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Well-Known Member
really depends ........ are you growing in amended soil .... a planter ...... a party cup ...... do you have access to water ? is it gonna be somewhere you can tend to it daily if needed ....... are you just planning on broadcasting bagseed down the roadside ..... genetics ?..... might sound like im being a jack ass but like 99.99999% of required info needed to even make a guess has been left out ............


Well-Known Member
Any question to do with yield will get the moron patrol to come in and give you the dumbest replies possible. They think the question is dumb, but they are in fact the idiots. There is nothing wrong with the question. Even if we can't answer the question accurately there is nothing dumb about the question.

Local climate would play a lot into how big they get. Locally I would expect a 4-8ft plant with an average of 1/2 to 3/4 pound. In Jamaca they would get about 2 ounces per plant from the same strain outdoors (they are on 12/12 cycle year round.) In other areas of the country you may have another month of grow time vs my local, so your plants could reach larger sizes and weights...
lol so are you promoting these pointless very broad yeild questions? maybe you're cheif moron patrolee


Well-Known Member
lol so are you promoting these pointless very broad yield questions? maybe you're cheif moron patrolee
I would promote these very broad yield questions, except the 80% of them that are actually trolling attempts. If it's an honest question, I fully promote it, regardless of subject.

No, no moron here, you may be seeing your reflection. Questions are dumb very rarely, answers are another story. The dumbest question is the one you should have asked but did not.


Well-Known Member
Meh, general questions about yield arent that bad. Its when people post a picture of xyz plant and ask how much weight they will pull, and even then it can be fun trying to eyeball and compare to your previous plants :P

These plants can produce some grams, and they can produce pounds. Sure, it depends on your skill and how much you put into your plants. Questions like this give people the opportunity to expand on that and share their techniques to help everyone involved. Im new to outdoor growing for example, and there have been a few bits of gold in posts like this from some of the oldschoolers trying to help.

Answer or dont answer. No need to troll or call troll lol. If its silly to anyone, why on earth would they use their time to post a reply? Blows my mind.