water running straight through pot


Well-Known Member
Hey my two plants was potted up 11 days ago into they're final pot.It took six litres of water to get a run off,they're in 20 litre buckets.so today they needed watering so I go ahead and water but soon as I put in on the soil it went straight out the bottom I checked the roots 2 days ago and they not root bound any ideas why this happened.im thinking that I created a gap between soil and bucket by pulling the plant out but I may be wrong


Well-Known Member
What is your soil mix? If it's draining that fast you must have lot of perlite. Or you have terrible drainage and it's a brick you're trying to water and it's blowing off the sides of the brick.


Well-Known Member
What is your soil mix? If it's draining that fast you must have lot of perlite. Or you have terrible drainage and it's a brick you're trying to water and it's blowing off the sides of the brick.
I had this happen a few times when i started growing. A soil mix that was too heavy, not enough perlite, it would dry out and the water would just run across the top down the sides and out the bottom. I had to repot it and the center of the dirt ball was bone dry..even after pouring gallons through it. I found a drip tray helps, water till runoff, allow the runoff to get absorbed and then water some more. Sometimes you need to get the dirt moist just so it can take water.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
^^^ Agreed! Try Watering a little, say 500ml...leave for say 10 minutes? Check then Water fully, sometimes..I noticed this happens with Dry,dry soil..idk might help

This is what I have started doing when that happens. Water once, wait a few minutes and water again. The soil absorbs it much better the second time.