Club 600


Well-Known Member
We have technically like 4 city lots that makes up our 1/2 acre, but were in the city, and we grow alot of food all over even in the flower beds. One year the misses planted bush beans along the sidewalk, pick and eat lol. Veggies make for cool flowers too. Anyway we love the country and being very very far from our nearest neighbor, and thats what the retirement property will be.


Well-Known Member
Modified corn is in practically everything.

A corn kernal is basically one big lump of starch, they then mess with that starch in a lab and turn it into all sorts.

It's why corn is now cheaper to buy than the cost of production, it's everywhere and in everything.

They even feed ruminant live stock with it because it's so cheap, this causes ecoli to flourish in the cows stomach's infecting the meat.

Human Ecoli infection from meat is directly caused by grain feeding cattle.
Its also why ecoli makes it onto leafy veggies to like kale, spinach etc. Its in the animal waste which now is in all the ground water and soil. Makes me fucking sick that this is allowed to go on. I hope in my life time we get to see all the corruption hung for the damage they have done.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
We have technically like 4 city lots that makes up our 1/2 acre, but were in the city, and we grow alot of food all over even in the flower beds. One year the misses planted bush beans along the sidewalk, pick and eat lol. Veggies make for cool flowers too. Anyway we love the country and being very very far from our nearest neighbor, and thats what the retirement property will be.
They do something similar in the town where my dad lives.

All the flower planters through the town are full of veg.

If you're poor you just go and take what you want and maybe donate a small pack of seeds at some point in return, it's like a local initiative set up by the 'neighbourhood watch' types.

They've been at it a couple of years now, it works well.


Well-Known Member
Its also why ecoli makes it onto leafy veggies to like kale, spinach etc. Its in the animal waste which now is in all the ground water and soil. Makes me fucking sick that this is allowed to go on. I hope in my life time we get to see all the corruption hung for the damage they have done.
If they sterilize us and feed us things we can't digest there's no one left to bitch! Good plan for them.


Well-Known Member
he has another great one to, called botany of desire. Has a chapter on cannabis that will really make ya think
I'll have to see if I can find that one, I didn't know he had anything about mj! I bet that's a hell of a book. All the things I read by him really blew my mind


Well-Known Member
I agree you can't hide from it these days, the wife and I have a 3000 sq ft outdoor garden for food production in the summer time, there are a few farms I know of that sell organic grass fed beef, 100% difference in our produce and organic beef than the corporate beef in the food stores. It's just scary you can't eat anything they sell in the stores. We can and freeze our veggies to get us year round fresh food. Then this year the wife did pak choy and bak choy in the basement with my stuff and we had fresh stir frys all winter long. Not bragging just saying it's doable.
They sell grass fed beef here in Oregon. Organic is big here.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I'd have some chickens in a breath but our laws say animals MUST be stunned before slaughter, meaning I'd have to take em to the local abattoir and pay which defeats the object.

The only exception is religious slaughter, so I'd have to become/pretend to be Muslim or Jewish to kill my own.

We buy only halal chicken and mutton, and mostly halal beef and lamb, pork we get free range from Poland.

Fuck that pre-stun shit.


Well-Known Member
Damn I left to take the kids to an Easter egg hunt and come back to like 20 some new messages.

This thread just keeps on moving! I miss so much here at times.

Oh and I know where some land is for sale, as long as you don't care about being in a legal state lol.