First Time For Everything


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking. I'll probably give them a few more days and top away. Maybe I'll top the wappas and fim the critical kushes. Wanna try a few new tricks. I've given up on LST right now. Question: I have a 5x5 tent. I'm running 750 mh watts right now. Should I up it to full 1000. The corners are not near as bright as the center. For flowering I'll definitely up it to 1000 and switch to a 4x4 tent for more watts PSF.


Well-Known Member
By the way the ww autos are doing well. Pretty vigorous growth. One of the stems was too little to hold up the top heavy plant so I took some dental floss and I'm holding it up with that. All have showed sex within the last 2-4 days. I'm a proud papa of female quintuplets.


Well-Known Member
Hey man a speed controller for your fan or a y fitting with a damper Can help with temps. Slow it down or recycle air inside to keep more heat in
Thanks Marky. I do have a speed controller and I keep it on low. Right now temps are steady around 72 to 76. I did turn the light up to 750 watts though. But I still don't have my exhaust connected to my reflector. This would bring temps too low.


Well-Known Member
OK slight update. Plants are doing well. They are 25 days from seed. Yesterday I fimmed the 5 critical kush and the 4 wappa. Can someone tell me if this looks like its growing back correctly. Since its my first time dimming.
u see that center man pull it clean out u only trimmed the new fan leaves there ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Rob. Well instead of trying to re-fim I just went ahead and completely topped them. Seemed much easier than fimming. Hope I didn't cause too much stress since I just fimmed two days ago. They need water. Haven't been watered in 5 days now. So later I'll give them a drink. I also plan to top feed the auto white widows with super soil. They're about 25 days old and haven't been fed yet. I'll take pics later tonight or sometime tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Rob. Well instead of trying to re-fim I just went ahead and completely topped them. Seemed much easier than fimming. Hope I didn't cause too much stress since I just fimmed two days ago. They need water. Haven't been watered in 5 days now. So later I'll give them a drink. I also plan to top feed the auto white widows with super soil. They're about 25 days old and haven't been fed yet. I'll take pics later tonight or sometime tomorrow.
naa they will be fine bro give them about 3-5 days and u will notice carzy growth


Well-Known Member
The girls are all one month old today. Give or take a day or two. I just started topdressing the autos .with super soil. One plant had started having light green colored leaves so I figured it was time. Since, they've regained their color. Lucky me. I've never tried top dressing autos. So far, so good. The photos are in 7 gallon root pouches. All 10 are between 8 and 13 inches tall. I think the 1000 watt mh (just turned it up to 1000 about a week ago) and being so close to canopy has kept them pretty short. But they are all bushy as any plant I've ever seen. Here's the 5 autos.



Well-Known Member
How they look so far? The shortest girl is about 7 inches while the tallest stands over 15 inches. All 5 have showed sex and are showing quite a few pistils. Hope first photo grow goes well. Need a good harvest cause I have to give my brother half cause he contributed to setup costs. DAMN... Lol.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look like they are happy man well done so far. Are the plants that are taller all the same strain or are you getting some that are tall and some that are short and fat out of the same strain?


Well-Known Member
Well with the auto white widows (pyramid seeds) I see 2 phenos one is taller more sativa looking leaves with quite a bit of spacing between nodes. The second pheno looks to be more of a hybrid. Its shorter and bushier and has a tighter node distance.
The Critical Kush (Barneys Farm )seems a little more inconsistent. They're all over the place. The shortest of all and the tallest and Bushiest is also critical kush. They do all have indica tendencies. The Wappa (Paradise Seeds) seem the most consistent of all. They're pretty uniform in growth and are vigorous girls. Both strains have taken well to topping. The critical kush plants just seem so short. But they are well over 16 inches wide. Once the autos come off , maybe another 5 weeks I'll flip the switch on the photos.


Well-Known Member
Well with the auto white widows (pyramid seeds) I see 2 phenos one is taller more sativa looking leaves with quite a bit of spacing between nodes. The second pheno looks to be more of a hybrid. Its shorter and bushier and has a tighter node distance.
The Critical Kush (Barneys Farm )seems a little more inconsistent. They're all over the place. The shortest of all and the tallest and Bushiest is also critical kush. They do all have indica tendencies. The Wappa (Paradise Seeds) seem the most consistent of all. They're pretty uniform in growth and are vigorous girls. Both strains have taken well to topping. The critical kush plants just seem so short. But they are well over 16 inches wide. Once the autos come off , maybe another 5 weeks I'll flip the switch on the photos.
there all looking really good man keep up the good work ill post u some pics of my 4 weks into flower cindy


Well-Known Member
yeah it sure is man ;) got the other day some more gdp and few others i have a soft spot also for good old fashion super skunk
Is it from g 13 labs or female seed company or somewhere else? Was thinking about giving c99 fsc a try. Was worried about height since it mostly sativa. Tell me bout yours. Matter fact go head and posts the pics. I'm anxious now. Lol.


hi guys sorry to interrupt but should mine look that skinny? there week 9 of flower! blue cheese! do u think they are nearly ready? im a complete newby this is my first grow! any advice would be really apreciated
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