

Well-Known Member
I agree, I waited until they had 7 nodes, and I worry that I may have waited a bit too long. I'm currently debating topping those branches as well. Better decide to shit or get off the pot pretty soon!


Well-Known Member
Take a bunch of clones and play play play!
Funny you should mention that, I was just chatting with my son the other day. He grows from clone exclusively, and has some strains I wouldn't mind getting my hands one. I have some strains grown from seed that he'd like to get his hands on (only if they're girls). But, he's only had one success with cloning himself, and I haven't tried it yet.

So, funny you should mention that, because I've been thinking about it. Maybe making my own cloning box or something like that. I assume I have a LOT of reading to do, yes?
id say top it at the first week of flowering.
But, if you wait that long you've pretty much defeated the purpose of topping in the first place, which is (correct me if I'm wrong) to increase total yield by increasing the number of total colas.


Well-Known Member
id say top it at the first week of flowering.
Never top while flowering!

Funny you should mention that, I was just chatting with my son the other day. He grows from clone exclusively, and has some strains I wouldn't mind getting my hands one. I have some strains grown from seed that he'd like to get his hands on (only if they're girls). But, he's only had one success with cloning himself, and I haven't tried it yet.

So, funny you should mention that, because I've been thinking about it. Maybe making my own cloning box or something like that. I assume I have a LOT of reading to do, yes?
I've started cloning and it is so simple. Cloned 22 ladies at 100% success. I love it. There are great vids on youtube. Just search weed cloning.


Well-Known Member
I had some struggles with cloning (take a peek at a new post of mine,( )
What I found to work wonders for me (aka: 100%) is Vita Grow rooting hormone (it has both of the main ones IBA and the other one) and Rapid Rooter plugs. Dip the cutting, stuff in the plugs. Put plugs into 1/4 inch of water and put in veg room. no dome, no trimming leaves, just let em go.

You gotta toss the hormone when done, so I just closed off the drip end of a eye dropper with wax then fill it with the vita grow. You use/waste very little this way.

I also use my aerogarden and that has worked well too. I keep one momma and one poppa in there and keep trimming them back.

Funny you should mention that, I was just chatting with my son the other day. He grows from clone exclusively, and has some strains I wouldn't mind getting my hands one. I have some strains grown from seed that he'd like to get his hands on (only if they're girls). But, he's only had one success with cloning himself, and I haven't tried it yet.

So, funny you should mention that, because I've been thinking about it. Maybe making my own cloning box or something like that. I assume I have a LOT of reading to do, yes?

But, if you wait that long you've pretty much defeated the purpose of topping in the first place, which is (correct me if I'm wrong) to increase total yield by increasing the number of total colas.


Well-Known Member
I take my cutting of young vigorous growth, Make small incisions on base of stalk destined for hormone, Dip in root tec gel, Correct RW pH, insert in plugs(1x1 RW), Into domed tray and under 24hr t-5, spray every evening w/ pHed water for a week, undome and into 3x3 RW and I'm yet to lose a single one yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing outdoors, as is my son (his grow is in a barn, and it's impossible to keep that place cooled down enough). I shall take all information under advisement! :D Oooo! A-clone trading we will go, a-clone trading we will go, high ho a dairy-o, a-clone trading we will go.

past times

Well-Known Member
yeah, dont top in flowering. i like to top about a week or 2 before flower. it lets them recover before switching cycles on them.

as far as kind of depends on your space. what is your grow room like? lights? size? strain (Indica/sativa)?


Active Member
well in the i grow chronic vid mr. green lol says he tops his plants 1 week into flowering and his end product looks pretty good!!


Well-Known Member
Other than cutting off the part of the plant that is actively being produced like seamaiden was saying, it is a stressful time for the plant given that light, nutes, hormones and typically container resize is all underway. Topping a plant during this stressful time in its life tends to slow your progress much more than if you done it preflower and give her time to recover. I'm am only an amateur though...maybe one of the pros will chime in.


Well-Known Member
I dnt top or belive in it. Its over rated. Ya end up with less weed.

Anyone that has done knows this.

Some strains it works but very,very few.


Well-Known Member
I don't top either. It seems to slow the plant down too much. Some grows swear by it though.


Well-Known Member
Well I was experimenting on some plants that weren't doing so well just to see what I could get away with and I topped them about 2 weeks into flower (12/12 cycle). Both have done AMAZING and are growing multiple main stems instead of just one. I don't know how yield will be affected though so I can't speak to that.

From what I've read you can only get so much out of a plant but in a limited space like mine maybe I'm realizing more of the genetic potential than I normally would with a closet grow.

-- edit --

I'm not promoting topping during flower, just saying it worked for my plants but I wasn't really caring about them so don't really notice any slow down in flowering.


Well-Known Member
I don't top either. It seems to slow the plant down too much. Some grows swear by it though.
The concept of growing is get as many healthy branches on the plant as possible. If i cut the top off the plant i get lets say 7 branches. If i dnt top it i get 15to20 branches. People need to do the math.

I do cut off the small bottom branches that are not getting much light.


Well-Known Member
Do you use the cutting when you top the plant for a clone? Seamaiden what strain(s) are you and your son growing? So let me get this right, when you top in veg it give you a better chance for more top colas therefore a higher yield?!


Well-Known Member
Do you use the cutting when you top the plant for a clone? Seamaiden what strain(s) are you and your son growing? So let me get this right, when you top in veg it give you a better chance for more top colas therefore a higher yield?!
No it gives ya less. Think about it.

The only thing topping does is make the branches grow. But since the top is now cut off you are not getting any more branches.